
Aligning European export credit agencies with EU policy goals
16-06-2023 - 14:54 INTA

Export credits are a traditional instrument provided by export credit agencies (ECAs), which in turn receive support from governments. This in-depth analysis explores and compares EU trade policy in the field of export credits with a view to their alignment with the EU’s policy goals such as the European Green Deal and Global Gateway. The paper outlines a set of recommendations on how ECA coherence with EU goals could be strengthened in the future.

EU Ukraine
15-06-2023 - 17:20 BUDG

This briefing provides background information about Ukraine’s financing needs, options to finance the reconstruction process and the possible role of the EU budget, as well as the governance architecture and the involvement of the European Parliament.

Mapping best practices on transparency, integrity, accountability and anti-corruption
15-06-2023 - 17:10 ING2

The EU is currently reforming its institutional mechanisms for ensuring the transparency, integrity, accountability of EU decision-making processes, with the European Parliament pursuing its own reform efforts in that context. This In-Depth Assessment requested by the ING2 committee provides an overview of mechanisms addressing these issues adopted by other Parliaments to offer ideas, inspire discussion and support these reform efforts.

The effectiveness and distributional consequences of excess profit taxes or windfall taxes
15-06-2023 - 17:07 FISC

The surge in energy prices in Europe since 2021 has led to substantial windfall profits in the energy sector. The study requested by FISC committee analyses the design and functioning of windfall profit taxes for energy suppliers in the EU, in particular with respect to the Commission's recommendation to the Member States. It also quantifies the potential tax revenues and discusses how these can be redistributed, e.g. to tackle the hardship caused by the energy crisis.

The use of Cohesion Policy funds to support refugees 
from Ukraine
15-06-2023 - 16:53 REGI

The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia is causing immense human suffering and economic hardship. In 2022, Europe has seen a sudden, huge influx of refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. This study assesses the use of Cohesion Policy funds to finance actions to support them in EU host countries. It pays particular attention to the Cohesion’s Action for Refugees in Europe (CARE), and concludes with policy recommendations.

Social Media Platforms and Challenges for democracy
15-06-2023 - 16:49 LIBE

Social media platforms are key infrastructure of European information environments, but have also brought new challenges for democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights. This study, requested by the LIBE Committee, examines the risks of social media for fundamental rights. Focusing on the most widely-used platforms, it looks into the governance of online content, assesses existing EU law and industry practices to address risks, and evaluates opportunities and risks to democratic values.

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