Комисия по бюджети

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Next meeting of the Committee on Budgets

08-06-2023 - 10:28
The next BUDG Committee meetings will take place on:

Thursday 27 June (Brussels), joint BUDG-CONT meeting and extraordinary BUDG meeting
Wednesday 28 June and Thursday 29 June (Brussels)


group of workers industrials
28-06-2023 - 16:40

The Committee on Budgets will vote on a proposal to mobilise the EGF for €2.2 million to support 603 dismissed workers from Logistics Nivelles in Belgium. The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) aims to provide support to people losing their jobs as a result of globalisation and of technological and environmental changes.

Image with the fulle USA flag, slightly cressed (not flat)
28-06-2023 - 16:40

The Committee on Budgets heard the Chair of the Committee on Budgets, Johan van Overtveldt, who was also the head of delegation, and the other participants of the delegation on some key take away messages from their mission to Washington on 15-18 May 2023.

A drawing of the planet Earth
28-06-2023 - 16:40

The BUDG Committee, together with Members of the AFET and DEVE Committees, discussed the EU budget and its impact on EU external action in Latin America and Africa. Speakers delved into some of the possibilities to increase the impact that the EU budget has in the regions in order to enable them to achieve sustainable and inclusive development and to future-proof their societies.

logo + people
28-06-2023 - 16:39

Members of the Committees on Budgets and Economic and Monetary Affairs held for the second time an exchange of views with Elena Flores, Chair of the InvestEU Steering Board. The InvestEU Programme provides long-term funding to companies and supports sustainable investment, innovation and job creation in Europe.

Budget 2024 written with Scrabble letters with a yellow background
28-06-2023 - 09:26

The Committee on Budgets heard the presentation by Siegfried Mureşan (EPP) on his working document analysing the Draft Budget 2024. The presentation took place in the context of the Commission's recent adoption of the statement of estimates for the year 2024 and their presentation to the Members of the Committee on Budgets on 7 June 2023.

Le CFP est le budget à long terme de lˊUE; il offre une prévision des montants pouvant être investis dans des politiques afin de renforcer lˊavenir de lˊEurope. Il bénéficie aux régions, aux villes, aux agriculteurs, aux universités, aux entreprises et au public. Le Parlement joue un rôle central dans la décision du budget.
27-06-2023 - 17:55

The Committee on Budgets exchanged with Commissioner Hahn on the mid-term revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework. The Commission is proposing targeted reinforcements in a limited number of priority areas.

A photo of the German Bundestag building
08-06-2023 - 11:23

The Committee on Budgets received Members of the European affairs subcommittee of the Budget committee of the German Bundestag to discuss current budgetary issues, such as the upcoming revision of the EU's long term budget (MFF), new own resources for the EU budget, support to Ukraine, etc.

Drawing of political people holding coins and the public services which are financed.
07-06-2023 - 19:15

Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Budget and Administration, presented the Commission's Draft Budget for the year 2024 to the Members of the Committee on Budgets on 7 June 2023. The 2024 budget is of particular importance since the procedure is expected to run in parallel with discussions on a revision of the 2021-2027 EU long term budget (multiannual financial framework - MFF).

Johannes Hahn, responsible for Budget and Administration, speaking at a podium with the European Commission's logo in the background
25-05-2023 - 10:27

On 24 May 2023, the Committees on Budgets and on Budgetary Control jointly had an exchange of views with Commissioner Hahn on the implementation of the Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation.