What Europe does for me 


Detailed information on the EU’s impact on individual citizens lives and local communities can be found on a multilingual website developed by the European Parliament’s Research Service.

What Europe Does For Me  

The interactive, multilingual, ‘What Europe Does For Me’ website, put together by the European Parliament's Research Service, presents hundreds of easy-to-read, one-page documents that give examples of the positive difference that the EU makes to people's lives. Users can easily find specific information about what Europe does for their region, their profession or their favourite pastime.

More than 1,600 localities covered

Around 2,000 one-page notes are available to read, share or reuse as online pages or as PDF files. They are organised in two main categories on the website. In the first section, ‘In my region’, users can find information about their region by selecting the place where they and their family live or work. This section covers over 1,600 localities in every part of the European Union.

More than 600 snapshots of EU action for citizens

In the section ‘In my life’, users can choose from 600 one-pagers to see how the EU affects, for example, families, health care, hobbies, travel, security, consumer choices and social rights. A series of podcasts in a growing number of languages is also available in this section.

What next?

The third section, with longer briefing papers on EU policies, outlines some of the achievements of the previous parliamentary term, and the outlook for the future, with a special focus on public opinion and the concerns of citizens and their expectations for EU action.