
Supporting Analyses

This database contains the research papers produced by the European Parliament's various research services, in particular studies, in-depth analyses and briefings produced by policy departments, the Economic Governance Support Unit and the Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value. These documents aim to support the work of the various parliamentary bodies.

Policy Departments

The policy departments are responsible for providing expertise and policy advice to support the activities of various parliamentary bodies, most notably the committees. Based on analyses carried out either in-house or externally, policy departments provide independent, specialised, objective, high-quality and up-to-date information in all areas of Parliament’s activities.
Policy departments deliver policy analysis in a wide variety of formats, most frequently in response to a request from a Parliament committee or delegation. In this database you will find texts ranging from studies and in-depth country- or issue-specific analyses to briefings. This written output serves a variety of purposes by feeding directly into the legislative work of a specific committee or serving as a briefing for delegations of members

Economic Governance Support Unit

The Economic Governance Support Unit provides briefing papers for Economic Dialogues and Accountability Hearings organised by the competent committee of the Parliament. Moreover, it produces background documents and tables, on a regular basis, in this domain

Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value

The Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value within the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) provides research on various aspects of ex-ante or ex-post evaluation of EU legislation and policies. In this database you will find: detailed appraisals of impact assessments (IAs) produced by the European Commission; complementary or substitute IAs; IAs on parliamentary amendments; ‘European Implementation Appraisals’ on the implementation and effectiveness of EU law and policies in practice; ‘Cost of Non-Europe’ reports in policy areas where greater efficiency or collective benefits could be achieved through common action at European level; and ‘European Added Value Assessments’ setting out the rationale for legislative initiative reports put forward by committees.
The Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA) carries out interdisciplinary research and provides strategic advice in the field of science and technology options assessment and scientific foresight. It undertakes in-depth studies and organises workshops on developments in these fields, under the guidance of the STOA Panel of 24 MEPs

Policy Department for Budgetary Affairs