Subject files
On 11 May 2023, IMCO and LIBE adopted a report on the AI Act by co-Rapporteurs are Mr Brando Benifei (S&D, IMCO) and Dragoş Tudorache (Renew, LIBE). The report includes important amendments to the legislative proposal, such as a ban on predictive policing, a number of additions to the list of stand-alone AI categorised as high-risk and a strong and inclusive role for the new AI Office.
IMCO is preparing a draft report to establish to what extent the implementation of the Geo0Blocking Regulation (GBR) has contributed to the integration of the internal market and thereby, to better deals for consumers and more opportunities for business. The Rapporteur is Ms Beata Mazurek (ECR), who present the draft report at the committee meeting of 28 - 29 September 2023. The deadline for amendments is 12 July 2023.
IMCO and JURI, as joint Committee are preparing a report on the proposal for a new directive on liability of defective products published in September 2022. The presentation of the draft report took place during the joint committee meeting of 26 April 2023.
IMCO is preparing a report, with Mr Andreas Schwab (EPP) as Rapporteur, on the proposal for a Regulation establishing the single market emergency instrument and repealing Council Regulation No (EC) 2679/98. On 28 March 2023, the Rapporteur presented the three draft reports on the SMEI legislative package. The discussion on the amendments took place on 25 April with the participation of EFTA representatives.
At their meeting of 12 September 2022, IMCO Coordinators established a working group intended to scrutinise the implementation of the Digital Markets Act and report back its findings to the Committee. The working group is chaired by Parliament's rapporteur, Mr Andreas Schwab (EPP) and is composed of the Shadows from the political groups in IMCO, as well as the rapporteurs of the associated committees.
On 28 March 2023, IMCO adopted a draft report by Ms Biljana Borzan (S&D) on empowering consumers for the green transition. The report seeks to ensure a high level of consumer protection and focuses on the importance of tackling unfair commercial practices, such as dark patterns and early obsolescence, among other issues. The report also highlights the need to provide reliable and useful information on products. In addition, the report makes dual quality of goods an unfair commercial practice.
On 28 March 2023, IMCO adopted a report on the proposal concerning financial services contracts concluded at a distance. The Rapporteur is Ms Arba Kokalari (EPP). With this report, IMCO wants to uphold a high level of consumer protection, ensure legal clarity for companies without administrative overburdening and enable new technological developments in financial services through technological neutrality.
On 2 February 2023, Parliament adopted the IMCO report by Rapporteur, Mr Sandro Gozi (Renew) on the proposed regulation on transparency and targeting of political advertising. ''This report will make abusive online political advertising a thing of the past by making it impossible to prey on people’s specific weaknesses. It will also make political actors more accountable for the adverts they disseminate.” - Mr Sandro Gozi.