
The Secretariat’s establishment plan and the internal administrative rules for officials and other staff are drawn up by the Bureau. The employees are mostly officials recruited by competition from all the EU countries. They are in the service of the European Parliament.

The Secretariat’s task is to coordinate legislative work and organise plenary sittings and meetings. It also provides technical and expert assistance to parliamentary bodies and Members of Parliament to support them in the exercise of their mandates. The European Parliament must also provide a fully multilingual service for all plenary sittings and meetings.


  • Brussels 
    Contact data:  
    • Address:

      Rue Wiertz 60 - Wiertzstraat 60
      B-1047 Bruxelles - B-1047 Brussel
      Building: SPAAK 11B11

    • +32 2 28 4 21 11 (BE) 
  • Luxembourg 
    Contact data:  
    • Address:

      Plateau du Kirchberg
      B.P. 1601
      L-2929 Luxembourg
      Building: ADENAUER 07A001

    • +352 4300 1 (LU) 
  • Strasbourg 
    Contact data:  
    • Address:

      1, Avenue du Président Robert Schuman
      CS 91024
      F-67070 Strasbourg cedex
      Building: WEISS 14055

    • +33 3 88 17 40 01 (FR)