Study on farm certification schemes for sustainable agriculture
Agricultural potential in carbon sequestration
Presentation of the study on "Agricultural potential in carbon sequestration: Humus content of land used for agriculture and CO2 storage"
What if microbial protein could help reverse climate change?
Demographic, socio-political and economic pressures have made eating meat an unsustainable practice for the long term.
Agricultural potential in carbon sequestration
To reach the climate neutrality envisaged in the Green Deal by 2050, reducing agricultural GHG emissions is not enough, and efforts to implement large scale carbon sequestration in European agricultural soils will be necessary.
Stronger economy
Stronger economy, social justice, jobs, education, culture, sport, digital transformation: Citizens' recommendations and the EU context
Russia's war on Ukraine: Impact on food security and EU response
The Future of the European Farming Model:
Socio-economic and territorial implications of the decline in the number of farms and farmers in the EU