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Parliament and Council negotiators reached an agreement on the use of digital technology in the judicial cooperation among EU countries.

Civil Liberties Committee delegation participated in the Frontex management board meeting and met with the Executive director Hans Leijtens.

During their two day visit MEPs met with EU Asylum Agency representatives, as well as the Maltese Armed Forces, Malta’s International Protection Agency, and the UNHCR.

An EP delegation travelled to Lampedusa to discuss with Italian authorities and other stakeholders the challenges in the Central Mediterranean migratory route and reception conditions.

Civil Liberties Committee MEPs will conclude tomorrow their mission focusing on search and rescue (SAR) in the Central Mediterranean and reception conditions in Lampedusa, Italy.

From 13 to 15 June, a delegation of MEPs participated in the 16th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP16).

Civil Liberties Committee delegation will travel to La Valletta from 19 to 21 June to meet with senior officials of the EU Asylum Agency.

Civil Liberties Committee delegation will travel to Warsaw from 19 to 20 June for meetings with senior officials of Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex).

Civil Liberties Committee delegation will travel to Lampedusa from 19 to 22 June to discuss search and rescue challenges in the Central Mediterranean.

Правилата насърчават утвърждаването на ориентиран към човека, надежден ИИ и защитават здравето, безопасността, основните права и демокрацията от вредните му ефекти.