
Някои от тези документи може да не са налични на Вашия език, но в такъв случай автоматично ще Ви бъде предложена друга езикова версия. Появява се икона, представляваща предложената езикова версия. (e.g.: FR ).

MEPs will learn about the digital advances of the country as well as discuss consumer protection and customs issues with Israeli authorities.

Правилата насърчават утвърждаването на ориентиран към човека, надежден ИИ и защитават здравето, безопасността, основните права и демокрацията от вредните му ефекти.

The press conference on the AI Act will take place on Wednesday, at 13.30 CEST, immediately after the plenary vote.

New rules mean EU consumers will be better protected from misleading online financial marketing practices, and empowered to make informed decisions when concluding a contract remotely.

The Internal Market committee of the European Parliament has adopted a draft report on the revision of construction products regulation to update the current legislative framework.

The delegation will meet with ministers, members of Japanese Parliament, industry representatives and academics in Tokyo and Kyoto.

В четвъртък евродепутатите подкрепиха проект на законодателство за подобряване на етикетирането на продукти и тяхната трайност, за да няма подвеждаща информация.

To ensure a human-centric and ethical development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Europe, MEPs endorsed new transparency and risk-management rules for AI systems.

Digital public administration should be inclusive, and by default easily and fully accessible for the most vulnerable.

On Tuesday, Parliament gave its final approval to the new machinery regulation that was agreed on with the Council in December 2022.