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Parliament’s Environment Committee today adopted its position to improve air quality in the EU to create a cleaner and healthier environment.

Environment Committee MEPs adopted their position on protecting groundwater and surface waters from pollution and improving water quality standards.

Following a lengthy vote, there is no majority amongst MEPs on the Environment committee for the Commission’s proposal as amended for a Nature Restoration Law.

MEPs adopted their position regarding the fees and charges payable to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in order to ensure its appropriate funding.

The Environment Committee will continue to vote on the draft report on nature restoration on Tuesday 27 June at 10.30.

Parliament calls for an annual ‘EU day for the victims of the global climate crises’ to be established to remember the human lives lost due to climate change.

The European Parliament demands that EU leadership reinvigorates efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda amidst a worsening international outlook and ahead of crucial UN talks in July.

The Environment Committee put forward its proposals to make products in the EU more environmentally friendly, circular and energy efficient throughout their lifecycle.

Във вторник Европейският парламент одобри нови правила за проектирането, производството и управлението на отпадъците на всички видове батерии, които се предлагат в ЕС.

On Tuesday, Parliament and Council reached a partial deal regarding measures to cut down emissions of substances that damage the ozone layer.