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On Thursday, MEPs endorsed Hungary’s nomination of Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz for a second mandate as a member of the European Court of Auditors (ECA).

В последната си резолюция Парламентът изразява сериозна загриженост относно събитията в Унгария в светлината на предстоящото Унгарско председателство на Съвета на ЕС.

A delegation of Parliament’s Budgetary Control committee on Wednesday concluded a fact-finding visit in Budapest. MEPs looked into the ongoing issues with the protection of EU budget.

Monika Hohlmeier (EPP, Germany) will give a press conference upon conclusion of European Parliament’s fact-finding visit in Budapest, speaking on behalf of Parliament’s delegation.

Parliament’s Budgetary Control committee will send a fact-finding delegation to Budapest from 15-17 May to look into the ongoing issues with the protection of EU budget.

On Wednesday, the European Parliament approved the implementation of the EU’s 2021 budget for most of the EU institutions, except the European Council.

Monika Hohlmeier and Jeroen Lenaers will speak to media after the Parliament will have voted on how well the Commission managed the EU budget in 2021, the first year of EU recovery payments.

For the revision of the EU’s Financial Regulation, MEPs want a stronger role in the budgetary scrutiny, respect for the rule of law and more transparency.

The Budgetary Control committee gave a negative opinion after having had an exchange with the new Court of Auditors candidate nominated by the Slovak government.

The Budgetary Control Committee recommended signing off the Commission’s budget, while voicing concerns on the limited options to check the use of recovery funding.