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Parliament's lead rapporteurs call for an EU budget that is equipped to respond to crises and meet citizens' expectations

Following the presentation of updated proposals for EU revenue sources, EP's rapporteurs urged the Council to promptly adopt them, or extremist parties will have a win.

Following the presentation of the EU budget 2024, EP’s lead rapporteur Siegfried Mureșan pointed out that the EU is now facing the consequences of a too rigid long-term financial framework.

From 15 to 18 May, MEPs will travel to Washington DC to discuss topics such as the financing of the green transition, support for Ukraine and public debt management.

Ahead of a Commission proposal, expected later this year, on further EU sources of income, MEPs assess the revenue side of the EU budget and advocate several new “own resources”.

MEPs have adopted a resolution warning about the impact of rising recovery borrowing costs on next year’s EU budget, putting flagship EU programmes at risk.

303 former employees of aluminium producer Alu Ibérica in Spain’s Galicia region will receive over €1.2 million in EU aid after the company declared bankruptcy.

For the revision of the EU’s Financial Regulation, MEPs want a stronger role in the budgetary scrutiny, respect for the rule of law and more transparency.

Budget MEPs have adopted a draft resolution warning about the impact of rising recovery borrowing costs on next year’s EU budget, putting flagship EU programmes at risk.

Ahead of a Commission proposal, expected later this year, on further EU sources of income, MEPs assess the revenue side of the EU budget and advocate several new “own resources”.