Практическа информация
The Discharge Procedure
The discharge is a Parliament decision that reflects its conclusions at the end of a process, the discharge procedure, on the way the Commission (and other institutions and bodies) has carried out its task of implementation of EU budget.
This process of parliamentary scrutiny of the Commission's implementation of the budget is aimed at ensuring compliance with the relevant legal and regulatory framework requirements, and use in accordance the principle of sound financial management, namely in accordance with the principles of "economy", "efficiency" and "effectiveness".
When taking its decision on discharge, Parliament also adopts a resolution, which contains its comments in respect of the implementation of the budget. These comments may require changes to the procedures and practice of the Commission or seek improvements in the way it administers Union policies.
Read more about the discharge procedure on the links below.
2021 Discharge Practical Information
- Discharge calendar 2021 - as approved on 16 November 2022 (PDF - 348 KB)
- Rapporteurs and Shadow Rapporteurs - Discharge 2021 (PDF - 149 KB)
- Practical arrangements for the Commission’s discharge (PDF - 141 KB)
- Practical arrangement for the European Parliament's discharge (PDF - 229 KB)
- Practical arrangements for the Other Institutions' discharge (PDF - 137 KB)
- Practical arrangements for the Agencies' discharge (PDF - 692 KB)
- Practical arrangements for the Joint Undertakings' discharge (PDF - 147 KB)
- Discharge 2021
Discharge Procedure
- Fact Sheets on the European Union: Financing
- European Parliament: Budgetary powers
- Discharge procedure: how Parliament scrutinises the EU budget
- EPRS Briefing: discharge procedure for the EU budget
- CONT Sectors Allocation for the 9th Term (PDF - 460 KB)
- 9th Term Discharge Allocation by Political Groups (PDF - 513 KB)