
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Access the OECD iLibrary, the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development featuring its books, papers and statistics and gateway to OECD's analysis and data.

European University Institute (EUI)
The European University Institute (EUI) is a distinctly international post-graduate teaching and research institute. Its aim is to provide advanced academic training for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers and to foster research in the fields which are of particular interest for the development of Europe.

Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU)
The Historical Archives of the European Union, administered by the European University Institute of Florence, preserve and make available to the public the archival documents of EU institutions, as well as the private archives of European personalities, key politicians, movements and associations.

European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD)
The European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD) acts as a channel for the information exchange for staff in parliaments whenever one parliament would like to know more about parliamentary practices and legislative policies in other countries mainly in Europe.

European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Access information on the activities and publications of the European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS), an EU inter-institutional project aimed at identifying global trends, assessing their implications for the EU and reviewing the challenges and policy options facing decision makers.

European Commission - Public Opinion (Eurobarometer)
Access the surveys and studies of the Eurobarometer, the Public Opinion Analysis sector of the European Commission, which monitors trends in major topics concering European citizenship.

European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Access all documents of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the EU's forum for consultation, dialogue and consensus between representatives from all the different sectors of "organised civil society".

European Committee of the Regions (CoR)
Access the studies and other research documents of the European Committee of the regions (CoR), the EU's assembly of regional and local representatives.
Legislative Observatory
From here you can follow the European decision-making process step by step. Find out what has already happened and what comes next.
Register of documents
The register brings together every official document produced or received by the European Parliament since 3 December 2001. You can search by keyword, author, date, reference number or type of document.
EPRS blog
The blog of the European Parliamentary Research Service provides direct access and contact with the team of professionals helping MEPs in their research and preparatory legislative work.
ESPAS is a unique inter-institutional project aimed at strengthening the EU's efforts in the crucial area of forward planning.
ORBIS - Foresight studies' hub
Visit the world's largest library of prospective studies. Discover the long-term trends that will shape society. Read, learn and contemplate a wide variety of topics that concern you and the rest of the world's citizens.
URBIS - Implementation studies' hub
Everything from national parliaments, regions, cities and social partners related to the Commission Work Programme.
Fact Sheets on the European Union
The Fact Sheets is a concise yet comprehensive source of information providing an overview of European integration and of the European Parliament's contribution to that process. They are updated regularly and can be consulted either within the Think Tank website or on the Fact-sheets webpage.
EU Bookshop
All the EU publications are available in the EU Bookshop, the online bookshop, library and archive of publications by EU institutions.