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Parliamentary question - P-002020/2023Parliamentary question

Selection and participation criteria for the EU-LAC Days CSO/LA Forum


Priority question for written answer  P-002020/2023
to the Commission
Rule 138
María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos (Renew)

In its recent communication ‘New agenda to strengthen EU’s partnership with Latin America and the Caribbean’, the Commission identified collaboration in the area of human rights as one of the priorities of the future partnership, underlining the importance of fostering the active participation of civil society and the creation of bi-regional networks. In this connection, and in anticipation of the EU-CELAC Summit, the Commission is making preparations for the EU-LAC Days CSO/LA Forum, as previously announced[1], which is set to take place from 13 to 14 July. In light of this,


Last updated: 28 June 2023
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