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Research for CULT Committee - Cultural diversity and the conditions for authors in the European music streaming market: a bibliographical review EN

12-06-2023 PE 747.252 CULT
Резюме : Emerging alongside the rapid development of the internet and digital technologies that have particularly thrived over the past two decades, music streaming (and streaming in general) is a technology that offers unlimited access to a selected catalogue of audiovisual content via an online platform. The year 2006 is often seen as the starting date for music streaming, with the launch of the Swedish streaming platform Spotify, the current market leader. The technology, however, had already been developed long before and in reality does not result from ‘one innovation but a collection of many’ (Fagerjord, 2019). Since its origins, the legal streaming market has been transformed profoundly, especially in terms of its economics, generating satisfaction, concerns and criticism (Hesmondhalgh, 2022). Indeed, the overall ‘systemic changes’ from which streaming derives and to which it responds are not yet fully understood and have not been addressed beyond the common individual user-centred approach (Camilleri et al., 2020; Jansson, 2021). This is particularly important as streaming currently represents the bulk of music sales and is the second largest source of revenue for the music industry (Legrand Network, 2022; Lozic et al., 2022).
Автори : Olivier RENARD (trainee); Kristiina MILT

Research for CULT Committee - The future of the European book sector: a bibliographical review EN

08-05-2023 PE 733.132 CULT
Резюме : The publishing sector represents one of the biggest strands of the cultural sector in Europe. The book sector is certainly its most representative part and covers all activities related to edition and publishing in all fields (leisure, education, professional, news, academic, etc.). It also covers both ways of publishing, material (on paper or other material) and digital. Besides its important cultural value and role, the book sector is also an essential economic activity in the EU. In 2021, it was assessed as the second cultural activity, right after watching or listening a program, and represented 12% of the EU average cultural expense. Still in 2021, it had a turnover of more than EUR 23 billion, 18% of it being generated by exportation (a rate relatively stable over the years). If over the years, the publishing sector demonstrated a rather stable good health, some figures show nevertheless significant evolutions that impact the sector on a long term basis. Digitalisation is one of them, probably the most obvious, but all challenges cannot be reduced to it, even if they are all intertwined - which makes them more difficult to apprehend exhaustively.
Автори : Olivier RENARD (trainee); Katarzyna ISKRA, Kinga OSTAŃSKA

Research for CULT Committee - European Media Freedom Act: Policy Recommendations Concomitant expertise for legislative report EN

04-05-2023 PE 733.130 CULT
Резюме : The following policy recommendations supplement the background analysis that was prepared for the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education (CULT committee) on the “European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) – Background Analysis” . The Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market (European Media Freedom Act) and amending Directive 2010/13/EU (‘EMFA’) was published on 16 September 2022 and accompanied by the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2022/1634 on internal safeguards for editorial independence and ownership transparency in the media sector .
Автори : Institute of European Media Law (EMR): Mark D. COLE, Christina ETTELDORF

Research for CULT Committee - European Media Freedom Act - Background Analysis. EN

20-04-2023 PE 733.129 CULT
Резюме : This background analysis focusses on relevant issues to be taken into account in the discussions on the Proposal for a European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), especially from a media law perspective. Dealing with questions on the appropriate legal basis and coherence with the existing regulatory framework, as well as selected substantive issues and the proposed institutional structures, the analysis highlights possible shortcomings regarding practical impact and enforcement that should be addressed.
Автори : Institute of European Media Law (EMR): Mark D. COLE, Christina ETTELDORF

Research for CULT Committee - Protecting cultural heritage from armed conflicts in Ukraine and beyond EN

01-04-2023 PE 733.121 CULT
Резюме : This At a glance note summarises the study examining how cultural heritage can be better protected from the effects of armed conflicts, in Ukraine and beyond. It includes an analysis of the applicable international law and policy frameworks and the practice of key international actors in Ukraine, as well as in past conflicts. It concludes with a set of specific recommendations to the EU and its Member States to strengthen the protection of cultural heritage from the effects of armed conflicts, now and in the future.
Автори : Evelien CAMPFENS, Andrzej JAKUBOWSKI, Kristin HAUSLER & Elke SELTER. With a contribution of : Kateryna BUSOL, Elmira ABLYALIMOVA-CHYIHOZ, Dmytro KOVAL & Denys YASHNYI
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Research for CULT Committee - Protecting cultural heritage from armed conflicts in Ukraine and beyond EN

21-03-2023 PE 733.120 CULT
Резюме : This study examines how cultural heritage can be better protected from the effects of armed conflicts, in Ukraine and beyond. It includes an analysis of the applicable international law and policy frameworks and the practice of key international actors in Ukraine, as well as in past conflicts. It concludes with a set of specific recommendations to the EU and its Member States to strengthen the protection of cultural heritage from the effects of armed conflicts, now and in the future.
Автори : Evelien CAMPFENS, Andrzej JAKUBOWSKI, Kristin HAUSLER & Elke SELTER. With a contribution of : Kateryna BUSOL, Elmira ABLYALIMOVA-CHYIHOZ, Dmytro KOVAL & Denys YASHNYI
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Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - March 2023 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for CULT Committee - The influence of social media on the development of children and young people EN

15-02-2023 PE 733.109 CULT
Резюме : This study examines research on the impact of pervasive social media use on children's and young people’s development. Acknowledging the many benefits children gain from being connected through social media, this study focuses on problematic use and the potential harm that may arise from content, contact, conduct and contract risks. Solutions are considered in light of EU policy and regulatory developments with particular reference to ensuring that children are protected, safe and empowered when they go online.
Автори : Prof. dr. Brian O’NEILL, Brian O’Neill Research
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Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - February 2023 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for CULT Committee - Influence of social media on the development of children and young people EN

01-02-2023 PE 733.110 CULT
Резюме : This At a glance note summarises the study examining research on the impact of pervasive social media use on children's and young people’s development. Acknowledging the many benefits children gain from being connected through social media, this study focuses on problematic use and the potential harm that may arise from content, contact, conduct and contract risks. Solutions are considered in light of EU policy and regulatory developments with particular reference to ensuring that children are protected, safe and empowered when they go online.
Автори : Brian O’Neill

Research for CULT Committee - The European Universities Initiative: first lessons, main challenges and perspectives EN

18-01-2023 PE 733.106 CULT
Резюме : This At a glance note summarises the study evaluating the selection procedures and assesses the experiences of the first years of the European Universities Initiative started in 2019. Since then, 44 European Universities alliances were created, with 340 participating higher education institutions. The study also drafts three scenarios to map future developments. Recommendations to the EP aim to strengthen the sustainability of the EUAs, create better regulatory conditions and improve the learning processes.
Автори : University of Twente-CHEPS: Daniela CRACIUN, Frans KAISER, Andrea KOTTMANN, Barend van der MEULEN Expert support: 3s, Milica POPOVIC, Stefan HUMPL
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Research for CULT Committee - The European Universities Initiative: first lessons, main challenges and perspectives EN

16-01-2023 PE 733.105 CULT
Резюме : In 2019 the European Universities Initiative started. Since then, 44 European Universities alliances were created, with 340 participating higher education institutions. This study evaluates the selection procedures and assesses the experiences of the first years. It also drafts three scenarios to map future developments. Recommendations to the EP aim to strengthen the sustainability of the EUAs, create better regulatory conditions and improve the learning processes.
Автори : University of Twente-CHEPS, Daniela CRACIUN, Frans KAISER, Andrea KOTTMANN, Barend van der MEULEN Expert support: 3s, Milica POPOVIC, Stefan HUMPL
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Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - December 2022 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for CULT Committee - The Implementation and Future of the revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive: Policy Recommendations EN

22-11-2022 PE 733.099 CULT
Резюме : The following policy recommendations supplement the Background Analysis that was prepared for the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education (CULT committee) on the “Implementation of the revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive – Background Analysis of the main aspects of the 2018 AVMSD revision” . In view of the integration of the revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive (Directive 2010/13/EU; AVMSD) by Directive (EU) 2018/1808 in the national legislative frameworks by transposition as well as the actual implementation in the work of the competent national regulatory authorities dealing with the application of the relevant rules, a stocktaking two years after the end of the transposition period is necessary. The CULT Committee has therefore decided to present an initiative report on the implementation. However, as has been highlighted – and rightly criticised – on numerous occasions, the transposition of the innovative and new solutions as laid down in Directive (EU) 2018/1808 is suffering from the delay in aligning the national laws in most Member States and specifically the still outstanding transposition in Ireland.
Автори : Mark D. COLE, Christina ETTELDORF

Research for CULT Committee - Implementation of the revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive - Background Analysis of the main aspects of the 2018 AVMSD revision EN

22-11-2022 PE 733.100 CULT
Резюме : This Background Analysis covers the main novelties and changes that came with the revision of the AVMSD by Directive (EU) 2018/1808. It presents implementation issues concerning the application of the country-of-origin principle, new rules on VSPs as well as for the promotion of European works and discusses questions of coherency and consistency of the regulatory framework before closing with an overview of further relevant aspects.

Research for CULT Committee - The EU’s approach to multilingualism in its own communication policy EN

27-10-2022 PE 733.096 CULT
Резюме : This At a glance note summarises the study assessing the EU’s approach to multilingualism in its communications policy. An innovative mixed methods approach is used to investigate compliance with multilingualism obligations and the language regimes and practices of EU institutions, bodies and agencies, especially on EU websites. The fit with the linguistic skills of EU27 residents is also investigated. Policy recommendations are provided to enhance the transparency and accessibility of EU communication policy taking account of feasibility constraints.
Автори : Carlos MENDEZ, Michele GAZZOLA, Laure CLEMENT-WILZ, Vasiliki TRIGA, Fernando MENDEZ, Costas DJOUVAS, Antonis CHARAMBOULOS, John BACHTLER

Research for CULT Committee - The European Union’s approach to multilingualism in its own communication policy EN

26-10-2022 PE 699.648 CULT
Резюме : This study assesses the EU’s approach to multilingualism in its communications policy. An innovative mixed methods approach is used to investigate compliance with multilingualism obligations and the language regimes and practices of EU institutions, bodies and agencies, especially on EU websites. The fit with the linguistic skills of EU27 residents is also investigated. Policy recommendations are provided to enhance the transparency and accessibility of EU communication policy taking account of feasibility constraints.
Автори : Project leader: Dr. Carlos MENDEZ (European Policies Research Centre (EPRC Delft and Glasgow, University of Strathclyde) Project team: Dr. Michele GAZZOLA, Prof. Laure CLEMENT-WILZ, Dr. Vasiliki TRIGA, Dr. Fernando MENDEZ, Dr. Costas DJOUVAS, Antonis CHARAMBOULOS, Prof. John BACHTLER

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - October 2022 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

What if everyone spoke the same language? EN

06-10-2022 PE 729.550 ITRE CULT
Резюме : One language disappears every two weeks, and up to 90 % of existing languages could be gone by the turn of the century. Globalisation, social and economic pressures and political options can determine whether a language survives. Multilingualism is a cornerstone of the European project, with 24 official and 60 minority languages. In a digital era, ensuring digital language equality can help preserve linguistic diversity.

Tracking the EU Commissioners’ commitments - Von der Leyen Commission, 2019 - 2024 EN

Резюме : This document is a compilation of briefings that track the commitments made by the Vice-Presidents and Commissioners to the European Parliament – in their written answers to Parliament’s questions, at their hearings, and, in some cases, in subsequent appearances before Parliament’s committees. The document provides an overview of the state-of-play at the mid-term of the von der Leyen Commission. Since many of these commitments were made, major international crises have shifted some political priorities. The Vice-Presidents’ and Commissioners’ progress on their commitments should be considered in this context.

Tracking the EU Commissioners’ commitments - Von der Leyen Commission, 2019 - 2024: Mariya Gabriel EN

20-09-2022 PE 703.376 ITRE CULT
Резюме : This briefing follows up the commitments made by the commissioner since 2019.

Tracking the EU Commissioners’ commitments - Von der Leyen Commission, 2019 - 2024: Margaritis Schinas EN

20-09-2022 PE 731.898 LIBE CULT
Резюме : This briefing follows up the commitments made by the commissioner since 2019.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - July 2022 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for CULT Committee - The European Schools system: State of Play, Challenges and Perspectives. EN

21-06-2022 PE 699.653 CULT
Резюме : This At a glance note summarises the study on The European Schools system: State of Play, Challenges and Perspectives. The study examines the progress that the European Schools System has made during the past decade and overviews its state of affairs as of 2022. The educational dimension of the study focuses on questions related to teaching and learning, while the operational one concentrates on the administrative and managerial sides of the system. The study pinpoints the key challenges that the system currently faces and provides tailored recommendations on how to overcome them.
Автори : Katarzyna Anna ISKRA, KINGA OSTANSKA

Research for CULT Committee: The European Schools system: State of Play, Challenges and Perspectives EN

09-06-2022 PE 699.647 CULT
Резюме : This study examines the progress that the European Schools System has made during the past decade and overviews its state of affairs as of 2022. The educational dimension of the study focuses on questions related to teaching and learning, while the operational one concentrates on the administrative and managerial sides of the system. The study pinpoints the key challenges that the system currently faces and provides tailored recommendations on how to overcome them.
Автори : Visionary Analytics: Simonas GAUŠAS (lead), Ildar DAMINOV, Elžbieta JAŠINSKAITĖ, Diana ČOP, Ilze MILEIKO, Greta GUDAUSKAITĖ plus external experts: Dr. Sandra LEATON GRAY, Dr. Stefanie PUKALLUS, John BULWER

Research for CULT Committee: Esports - Policy Recommendations EN

06-05-2022 PE 699.636 CULT
Резюме : KEY FINDINGS This Policy Recommendation Briefing is based on the study on “Esports - Background Analysis”. • A suitable and functioning strategy requires a shared understanding/definition of what esports is. It is important to differentiate esports from traditional sports. This can have an impact on the system of traditional sports as well. • Esports is constantly and rapidly evolving, making it necessary to address it as soon as possible. Creating a working group regarding a holistic esports strategy is highly recommendable. • The EU needs to foster interdisciplinary research on esports to gain a better understanding of the industry and on how to utilise esports for the European community. This knowledge can help to solve digital challenges in general. • The creation of a dedicated research centre for esports at the European level is required. • Esports-specific laws are needed just as they are in traditional sports. • The issue of where the regulatory authority concerning esports lies (or should lie) should be resolved. In traditional sports, this tends to be local, but esports is much more international and heterogeneous. • Esports stands for digital communication and innovation. In esports, Europe as a whole is more important than the individual Member States. Therefore, esports can be utilised for the creation of a (digital) European identity.
Автори : Tobias M. SCHOLZ, Nepomuk NOTHELFER (Esports Research Network)

Research for CULT Committee: Esports - Background Analysis EN

06-05-2022 PE 699.635 CULT
Резюме : Esports has become an integral part of the digital society. Esports is a fast paced and heterogenic phenomenon and a cross-sectional topic linking gaming, entertainment and media, culture and art, education, business, diversity and inclusion, and sports. In this background analysis, the authors explain what esports is, what the different ecosystems look like and what the opportunities and challenges are. Esports can be utilised as an integral tool to shape the modern digital society and act as a key element of a digital European identity.
Автори : Tobias M. SCHOLZ, Nepomuk NOTHELFER (Esports Research Network)

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - February 2022 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for CULT Committee - The role of culture, education, media and sport in the fight against racism – policy recommendations EN

12-11-2021 PE 690.911 CULT
Резюме : This document includes recommendations developed based on a study on ‘The role of culture, education, media and sport in the fight against racism': to provide the Members of the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) with expertise for an own-initiative report (INI) on “The role of culture, education, media and sport in the fight against racism” (concomitant expertise).
Автори : Bert-Jan Buiskool and Andrea Giannetto (Ockham IPS)

Resarch for CULT Committee - The role of culture, education, media and sport in the fight against racism - Background Analysis EN

31-10-2021 PE 690.905 CULT
Резюме : The study concludes that the EU Anti-racism Action Plan 2020-2025 reflects the diversity of remedy measures identified in the specialist literature. Despite of the limited steering and monitoring within EU programmes of their contribution to the fight against racism, except for the CERV programme, there is a significant share of projects that are addressing racism related topics, also reflecting a diversity of remedy measures. There is a need for further building on existing good practices / incentives developed by programmes and implementing institutions.
Автори : Ockham IPS: Bert-Jan BUISKOOL, Andrea GIANNETTO, Bastiaan VERBERNE

Inclusion measures within the Erasmus+ programme 2014-2020 EN

16-09-2021 PE 694.225 CULT
Резюме : In December 2020, the European Parliament Conference of Committee Chairs authorised the launch of an implementation report on the Implementation of inclusion measures within Erasmus+ 2014-2020 by the European Parliament Committee of Culture and Education (CULT) (2021/2009(INI)). The Ex-Post Evaluation Unit (EVAL) of EPRS has been asked to assist in the preparation of the implementation report with a European Implementation Assessment (EIA). The EIA consists of two parts: an in-house desk-research analysis and two external studies that combine desk research and primary data collection. The focus of the EIA is the learning mobility of individuals and the inclusion of young people with special needs or fewer opportunities.
Автори : Anna ZYGIEREWICZ, Alina Ileana DINU

Implementation of citizenship education actions in the EU EN

03-08-2021 PE 694.207 CULT
Резюме : In December 2020, the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) requested the drawing up of an own-initiative report on the implementation of the citizenship education actions (2021/2008(INI)). Mr Domènec Ruiz Devesa (S&D, Spain) was appointed rapporteur. This European implementation assessment (EIA) has been prepared to accompany the CULT committee in its scrutiny work on the implementation of citizenship education actions in the European Union. The first part of the EIA presents an overview of the EU policy framework for citizenship education, while the second part presents actions in the field of citizenship education supported by EU funding programmes, in particular the Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 programmes. The second part also presents citizenship education policies and practices in 10 EU Member States.

Monthly Highlights Newsletter - July 2021 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for CULT Committee - EU sports policy: assessment and possible ways forward EN

28-06-2021 PE 690.881 CULT
Резюме : Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU has been entitled to support, coordinate or complement Member States’ activities in sport. European sports policies of the past decade are characterised by numerous activities and by on-going differentiation. Against this backdrop, the study presents policy options in four key areas: the first covers the need for stronger coordination; the second aims at the setting of thematic priorities; the third addresses the reinforcement of the role of the EP in sport and the fourth stipulates enhanced monitoring.
Автори : Jacques LECARTE, Katarzyna Anna ISKRA

Research for CULT Committee - EU sports policy: assessment and possible ways forward EN

15-06-2021 PE 652.251 CULT
Резюме : Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU has been entitled to support, coordinate or complement Member States’ activities in sport. European sports policies of the past decade are characterised by numerous activities and by on-going differentiation. Against this backdrop, the study presents policy options in four key areas: the first covers the need for stronger coordination; the second aims at the setting of thematic priorities; the third addresses the reinforcement of the role of the EP in sport and the fourth stipulates enhanced monitoring.
Автори : Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln: Jürgen MITTAG / Vincent BOCK / Caroline TISSON Willibald-Gebhardt-Institut e.V.: Roland NAUL / Sebastian BRÜCKNER / Christina UHLENBROCK EUPEA: Richard BAILEY / Claude SCHEUER ENGSO Youth: Iva GLIBO / Bence GARAMVOLGYI / Ivana PRANJIC

Research for CULT Committee: Education and Youth in Post-COVID-19 Europe EN

28-05-2021 PE 690.898 CULT
Резюме : The study demonstrates that the COVID-19 pandemic posed unprecedented challenges to the education and youth sector, revealing the lack of preparedness, as well as reinforcing structural weaknesses of education delivery. Recommendations are proposed for a robust action at the EU level to foster more resilient education and youth sector in Europe.

Research for CULT Committee - Media Action Plan: policy recommendations Concomitant expertise for INI report EN

20-05-2021 PE 690.871 CULT
Резюме : This Briefing complements the Background Analysis on 'Europe’s Media in the Digital Decade: An Action Plan to Support Recovery and Transformation (news media sector)' and the Briefing on ‘Media Action Plan: Key challenges related to media pluralism, media freedom and democracy’. These three research papers were commissioned by the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies as a part of concomitant expertise aiming to support the work of the CULT Committee on the own initiative report on ‘Europe’s Media in the Digital Decade: An Action Plan to Support Recovery and Transformation’.
Автори : KEA European Affairs; Arthur Le Gall

Research for CULT Committee - Media Action Plan: Key challenges related to media pluralism, media freedom and democracy - Concomitant expertise for INI report EN

18-05-2021 PE 690.866 CULT
Резюме : Media pluralism is an essential condition for any democratic society. It constitutes a source of access to a plurality of editorial lines and analyses, opinions and issues expressed, as well as a coexistence of public and private service media. Media pluralism is at risk due to several factors. First, the level of basic protection for journalists is threatened, for example in terms of the protection of their personal data online or abusive defamation charges against them. Second, most EU countries are characterised by a high degree of market concentration, with monopoly or oligopoly structures in most news media sectors. These main players co-exist with a myriad of smaller news media operators (e.g. focusing on local news or specialised in particular topics). Third, trust in the media is eroded by fake news and disinformation, and the perception of an alleged gatekeeping position by larger media groups. Initiatives are however emerging to improve transparency in the media, for example by establishing charters for the media to ensure the credibility and trustworthiness of sources, or by developing algorithms to debunk misinformation.
Автори : KEA European Affairs; Arthur Le Gall

Policy Departments' Monthly Highlihts - May 2021 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for CULT Committee - Europe’s media in the digital decade - An action plan to support recovery and transformation in the news media sector EN

07-05-2021 PE 690.873 CULT
Резюме : The Media Action Plan released by the European Commission in December 2020 is the first policy document explicitly setting out a vision and dedicated initiatives for the news media sector. This paper discusses the current situation of the sector and its revenue streams, the important impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the main public and private funding models to support the sector.
Автори : KEA European Affairs: Arthur LE GALL

Research for CULT Committee - The Situation of Artists and Cultural Workers and the post-COVID Cultural Recovery in the European Union : Policy Recommendations Concomitant expertise for INI report EN

04-05-2021 PE 652.252 CULT
Резюме : The following recommendations present medium- and long-term policy solutions to address the needs identified in the Background Analysis “The Situation of Artists and Cultural Workers and the post-COVID Cultural Recovery in the European Union”. Its aim is to provide guidelines and principles to structure the contents of the European Framework, and hence improve the situation and working conditions of artists and cultural workers in the EU.
Автори : Mafalda DÂMASO, Culture Action Europe

Research for CULT Committee - Education and youth in post-COVID-19 Europe - crisis effects and policy recommendations EN

04-05-2021 PE 690.872 CULT
Резюме : This paper demonstrates that the COVID-19 pandemic posed unprecedented and multidimensional challenges to the education systems and youth sector, revealing the lack of preparedness in terms of crisis management and digital education responses, as well as reinforcing structural weaknesses of education delivery. Given that various sectors of education and the youth sector faced distinct challenges, there are valuable lessons to be learnt from policy responses and best practices across Europe. The common goal should be to build more resilient education systems, which are responsive and adaptive to future crises.
Автори : Public Policy and Management Institute: Loes VAN DER GRAAF, Jekatyerina DUNAJEVA, Hanna SIAROVA, Radvile BANKAUSKAITE

Research for CULT Committee - Approaches of the Council and the Commission to the European Education Area EN

20-04-2021 PE 690.865 CULT
Резюме : In September 2020, the Commission published a communication on achieving the European Education Area by 2025 with an ambitious strategy revolving around six key dimensions (European Commission, 2020a). In February 2021, in its resolution on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030), the Council welcome the Commission’s proposal (Council of the European Union, 2021). It set out a series of ‘strategic priorities’ bearing some similarities with the key dimensions mentioned above but giving less prominence to inclusion and the geopolitical dimension while putting a stronger focus on lifelong learning and mobility.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - March 2021 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for CULT Committee - Making the European Education Area a reality: state of affairs, challenges and prospects EN

01-03-2021 PE 652.234 CULT
Резюме : Conclusions and policy recommendations Against this backdrop, the study proposes a series of 9 policy recommendations: 1) Set up a concrete implementation strategy and draw up a comprehensive evaluation framework, in line with the UN’s sustainable development goal 4 on education, in order to monitor progress and identify shortcomings in the implementation of EEA initiatives.

Research for CULT Committee - Cultural and creative sectors in post-COVID-19 Europe – crisis effects and policy recommendations EN

25-02-2021 PE 652.245 CULT
Резюме : Cultural and creative sectors (CCS) have been hit hard by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study analyses the so far effects of the crisis on the CCS, as well as the policy responses that are formulated to support the sectors. Based on the analysis, policy recommendations are formulated to further improve the resilience of the CCS in Europe in the medium and longer term.
Автори : Jacques LECARTE, Katarzyna Anna ISKRA

Research for CULT Committee - Cultural and creative sectors in post-COVID-19 Europe – crisis effects and policy recommendations EN

18-02-2021 PE 652.242 CULT
Резюме : Cultural and creative sectors (CCS) have been hit hard by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study analyses the so far effects of the crisis on the CCS, as well as the policy responses that are formulated to support the sectors. Based on the analysis, policy recommendations are formulated to further improve the resilience of the CCS in Europe in the medium and longer term.
Автори : IDEA Consult: Isabelle De Voldere, Martina Fraioli, Eveline Durinck Goethe-Institut: Antonia Blau, Sina Lebert Inforelais: Sylvia Amann Values of Culture&Creativity: Joost Heinsius

Research for CULT Committee - Towards a European Education – Critical Perspectives on Challenges Ahead EN

01-02-2021 PE 652.243 CULT
Резюме : This study offers an in-depth exploration of pressing themes for European educators and policymakers in the 21st century: learner mobility, citizenship education and the role of digital and virtual learning. Increased opportunities for all young people to engage in mobility programmes will generate benefits in terms of employability, reduced social inequalities and more open, responsible and environmentally aware European citizens.
Автори : Jacques LECARTE

Research for CULT Committee - Making the European Education Area a reality: state of affairs, challenges and prospects EN

01-02-2021 PE 652.237 CULT
Резюме : This study presents and examines three communications on a future European Education Area published by the European Commission between November 2017 and September 2020, analysing the reception and assessment of these communications by the other EU institutions, Member States and various stakeholders. It highlights existing challenges and makes concrete recommendations as regards the strategy, governance and priorities required to turn the vision of a European Education Area into reality by 2025.

Research for CULT Committee - The Situation of Artists and Cultural Workers and the post-COVID-19 Cultural Recovery in the European Union - Background Analysis EN

01-02-2021 PE 652.250 CULT
Резюме : This background analysis on the situation of artists and cultural workers and the post-COVID-19 cultural recovery in the European Union is prepared for the European Parliament. It provides an overview of key characteristics of artists' and cultural workers’ status across Europe, their working conditions, precariousness and career paths. It outlines the justification for specific policy solutions and provides a mapping of key challenges for a European framework for working conditions in the cultural and creative sectors and industries.
Автори : Dr Mafalda DÂMASO Culture Action Europe: Tere BADIA, Gabriele ROSANA, Kornelia KISS, Sebastiano BERTAGNI, Maya WEISINGER

Research for CULT Committee - Shaping digital education policy EN

27-11-2020 PE 652.231 CULT
Резюме : This research project assesses the Digital Education Action Plan published in 2018 in terms of organisational and content-related challenges. It outlines concrete recommendations on how an updated Digital Education Action Plan could mitigate the weaknesses of the current plan, through a more holistic vision of the digital transformation in education, a focus on quality infrastructure for digital education for all, the further empowerment of educators and the further development of ‘whole-school’ approaches to digital education.

Commitments made at the hearings of the Commissioners-designate - von der Leyen Commission 2019-2024 EN

Резюме : This document provides links to all Briefings produced by the Policy Departments of the Directorate-General for Internal Policies and of the Directorate-General for External Policies of the European Parliament, with salient points and essential commitments made by the Vice-Presidents and Commissioners-designates at their respective hearings before the European Parliament, in September-November 2019 and in October 2020. For an exhaustive list of all commitments made and positions taken by the candidates, the full verbatim report of each public hearing is available on the dedicated hearings website of the European Parliament, as are the written questions and answers.

Research for CULT Committee - Towards a European education - Critical perspectives on challenges ahead EN

01-10-2020 PE 652.217 CULT
Резюме : This study offers an in-depth exploration of pressing themes for European educators and policymakers in the 21st century: learner mobility, citizenship education and the role of digital and virtual learning. Increased opportunities for all young people to engage in mobility programmes will generate benefits in terms of employability, reduced social inequalities and more open, responsible and environmentally aware European citizens.
Автори : Régis MALET

Research for CULT Committee - Shaping digital education policy Concomitant expertise for INI report EN

15-09-2020 PE 652.209 CULT
Задълбочен анализ
Резюме : This research project assesses the Digital Education Action Plan published in 2018 in terms of organisational and content-related challenges. It outlines concrete recommendations on how an updated Digital Education Action Plan could mitigate the weaknesses of the current plan, through a more holistic vision of the digital transformation in education, a focus on quality infrastructure for digital education for all, the further empowerment of educators and the further development of ‘whole-school’ approaches to digital education.
Автори : Simon BROEK; Bert-Jan BUISKOOL

Policy Departments' Monthly Highlights - September 2020 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for CULT Committee - The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Cultural and Creative Sectors EN

15-05-2020 PE 629.220 CULT
Резюме : In this introductory in-depth analysis, we report six key findings on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the cultural and creative sectors (CCS). Finding 1: AI challenges the creative value-chain in two ways: shifting services performed by humans to algorithms and empowering the individual creator. Finding 2: AI-generated content challenges authorship, ownership and copyright infringement. New exclusive rights on datasets must be designed in order to better incentivise innovation and research. Finding 3: European cultural institutions have rich datasets of cultural artefacts that could be made accessible to a larger audience. AI has the potential to create rich ways for users to navigate through cultural content. Good practices in AI for cultural heritage accessibility need to be formalised and shared among the European cultural networks. Finding 4: The use of AI for media content brings up issues regarding cultural and linguistic diversity. Public policies and measures are required to prevent discrimination in AI-based distribution platforms. Finding 5: AI governance is centralised, which has an impact in the CCS. Funding instruments are needed to support less-centralised, human-centred AI. Finding 6: The Union supports a rich environment for AI-Art, resulting in the development of critical discourse on technology and AI by the public, which should be sustained in the long run.
Автори : Baptiste Caramiaux

Research for CULT Committee - The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education EN

15-05-2020 PE 629.222 CULT
Резюме : There are two different types of AI in wide use today. Recent developments have focused on data-driven machine learning, but in the last decades, most AI applications in education (AIEd) have been based on representational / knowledge-based AI. Data-driven AI uses a programming paradigm that is new to most computing professionals. It requires competences which are different from traditional programming and computational thinking. It opens up new ways to use computing and digital devices. But the development of state-of-the-art AI is now starting to exceed the computational capacity of the largest AI developers. The recent rapid developments in data-driven AI may not be sustainable. The impact of AI in education will depend on how learning and competence needs change, as AI will be widely used in the society and economy. AIEd should be used to help schools and educational institutions in transforming learning for the future. Many AIEd systems have been developed over the years, but few of these have shown clear scientific impact on learning. Evidence is lacking partly because the contexts of teaching and learning vary across classrooms, schools, educational systems, and countries. Local knowledge and capacity is critical for effective adoption and shaping of AIEd, and new scaling models are needed. Co-design of AIEd with teachers is a possible way to advance new scaling models. AI has a great potential in compensating learning difficulties and supporting teachers. The Union/ the EU needs a “clearing house” that helps teachers and policy-makers make sense of the fast developments in this area.
Автори : Ilkka Tuomi

Research for CULT Committee - The use of Artificial Intelligence in the Audiovisual Sector - Concomitant expertise for INI report EN

15-05-2020 PE 629.221 CULT
Задълбочен анализ
Резюме : This briefing paper takes a look at the use of AI technologies in the wider audiovisual sector. A survey with ten questions concerning the most important aspects was circulated to 85 contacts at 73 organisations. A total of 22 responses were received. The main findings are as follows: 1. Almost all respondents report broad use of AI technologies, especially for automated indexing, improved content accessibility as well as localisation. AI is used for processing audio or video, language or text data or for knowledge management purposes. 2. Among the technologies used are ASR, TTS, NLP, NER, MT, summarisation, search and recommender engines, content classification, subtitling, vision and metadata extraction (see Appendix 2: Glossary – Terms and Abbreviations). 3. AI technologies foreseen for future use are more experimental and include the automated detection of illegal content and deep fakes as well as flexible curation technologies. 4. There is a big demand for large amounts of training data including labelled, structured and unstructured data, domain-specific training data, acoustic data and data for illegal content. 5. There is also a need for more language technologies for all European languages, including ASR, TTS, MT, content curation services and metadata extraction as well as Linked Data. 6. In terms of policies, it is suggested to focus upon an ethical framework regarding the use and misuse of AI that protects human values and fosters cultural and linguistic diversity. It should also protect against the misuse of AI for false news and misinformation. 7. Regarding opportunities, many respondents suggest concentrating on the AI-based production of high quality content. In addition, AI allows unlimited localisation and makes it possible for a fragmented and culturally diverse ecosystem to survive in a world dominated by capital-intensive ventures based in the US. 8. The consumption of intentionally created false or manipulative content is seen as an imminent danger. It is stressed that, as video is quickly becoming our main means of communication, there is a threat that relates to the use of AI for misinformation and manipulation, which could have an impact on the foundations of our democratic society. 9. The awareness of the European AI tool market varies. Some perceive the market to be non-existent, others perceive it to be highly fragmented. Due to the dominance of non-European technology enterprises, European companies should be supported more. 10. Collaboration at the European level is seen as essential because individual players have limitations and difficulties in using AI technologies. Europe’s multilingualism is seen as crucial: to guarantee inclusiveness and accessibility, tools need to be made available, especially for under-resourced languages.
Автори : Georg Rehm

Research for CULT Committee - Virtual formats versus physical mobility - Concomitant expertise for INI report EN

16-03-2020 PE 629.217 CULT
Резюме : This short briefing paper is part of the study into effective measures to ‘green’ the Erasmus+, Creative Europe and European Solidarity Corps programmes, which aims to provide input for the CULT Committee own-initiative report (“INI report”) on effective measures to “green” the CULT programmes.
Автори : Bert-Jan Buiskool; Marye Hudepohl

Research for CULT Committee - Effective measures to ‘green’ Erasmus+, Creative Europe and European Solidarity Corps programmes - Concomitant expertise for INI report EN

16-03-2020 PE 629.218 CULT
Задълбочен анализ
Резюме : This introductory briefing paper introduce five key messages on how the Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps (ESC) and Creative Europe (CE) programmes (and the proposals for successor programmes) address environmental challenges.
Автори : Bert-Jan Buiskool; Marye Hudepohl
Резюме : Настоящият документ е компилация от открояващи се аспекти и основни ангажименти, поети от кандидатите за заместник-председатели и за членове на Комисията по време на съответните им изслушвания пред Европейския парламент. Той има за цел да Ви предостави практически и кратък инструмент за проследяване на усилията и действията на бъдещата Комисия. За изчерпателен списък на всички поети ангажименти и позиции на кандидатите на разположение на специалния уебсайт за изслушванията от 2019 г. на Европейския парламент са пълният стенографски протокол от всяко публично изслушване, както и въпросите с искане за писмен отговор и техните отговори. Настоящият документ включва добавка, съдържаща ангажиментите, поети по време на изслушванията от октомври 2020 г.

Commitments made at the hearing of Margaritis SCHINAS, Vice-President-designate - Promoting the European Way of Life EN

22-11-2019 PE 621.920 LIBE CULT
Резюме : The Vice President-designate, Margaritis Schinas, appeared before the European Parliament on 03 October 2019 to answer questions from MEPs in the Committees on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Culture and Education, Employment and Social Affairs. During the hearing, he made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document. These commitments refer to his portfolio, as described in the mission letter sent to him by Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect of the European Commission, including: - Skills, education and integration; - Finding common ground on migration; and - Security Union.

Commitments made at the hearing of Mariya GABRIEL, Commissioner-designate - Innovation and Youth EN

22-11-2019 PE 638.438 ITRE CULT
Резюме : The commissioner-designate, Mariya Gabriel, appeared before the European Parliament on 30 September 2019 to answer questions from MEPs’ in the Committees on Industry, Research and Energy and on Culture and Education. During the hearing, Ms Gabriel made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document. These commitments refer to her portfolio, as described in the mission letter sent to her by Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect of the European Commission, including: - Education, research and innovation; and - Culture, youth and sport.

Policy Departments' Monthly Highlights - October 2019 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for CULT Committee - Education and youth in the European Union – Current challenges and future prospects EN

02-09-2019 PE 629.204 CULT
Резюме : This study examines possible scenarios (both aspirational and disruptive) for future developments for the education and youth sectors. It also identifies and assesses the policy implications of these scenarios. Ultimately, the study informs EU policy-makers, in particular MEPs, on policy options and their implications for the education and youth sectors in the EU, and seeks to help them prepare for the scenarios identified (both in terms of facing challenges and embracing opportunities).
Автори : RAND Europe: Axelle Devaux, Fay Dunkerley, Nadja Koch, Michaela Bruckmayer, William Phillips, Victoria Jordan

Research for CULT Committee - Culture and creative sectors in the European Union – Key future developments, challenges and opportunities EN

28-08-2019 PE 629.203 CULT
Резюме : Culture and creative sectors (CCS) are confronted with an ever-changing environment which challenges practices, business models and market balances. This study highlights the key trends that are likely to impact the future development of the CCS in their operational context in the European Union by 2030.
Автори : KEA European Affairs: Clémentine Daubeuf, Arthur Le Gall, Teodora Pletosu, Marianthi Kopellou ; PPMI: Donatas Pocius, Olha Koshchiyenko, Rasa Goštautaitė