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Research for REGI Committee - The impact of the gas supply crisis on the Just Transition Plans EN

20-06-2023 PE 747.246 REGI ITRE
Резюме : This At a glance note summarises the study Tproviding information on the current and potential impact of the gas supply crisis on the Just Transition Plans (JTPs). The evidence is based on the analysis of EU gas and energy supply dependencies, trade linkages with Russia, the general EU’s policy framework, Just Transition Mechanism (JTM), REPowerEU plan and the investigation of six case studies. It concludes with specified policy recommendations reflecting the implemen tation of the JTM, the JTPs in the light of risks of the energy crisis.

Research for REGI Committee - Territorial Agenda 2030: Implementation Review EN

12-06-2023 PE 747.254 REGI
Резюме : The Territorial Agenda 2030 ‘A future for all places’ is the latest in a long line of intergovernmental documents paving the way for territorial cohesion in Europe. It defines two overarching objectives, a Just Europe and a Green Europe, which have six priorities for developing the European territory as a whole along with all its places. This At a glance note summarises the paper providing an introduction to the agenda and the state of play of its application.
Автори : Kai BÖHME, Erik GLØERSEN
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Research for REGI Committee:Territorial Agenda 2030 – Implementation Review EN

07-06-2023 PE 747.253 REGI
Задълбочен анализ
Резюме : The Territorial Agenda 2030 ‘A future for all places’ is the latest in a long line of intergovernmental documents paving the way for territorial cohesion in Europe. It defines two overarching objectives, a Just Europe and a Green Europe, which have six priorities for developing the European territory as a whole along with all its places. This paper provides an introduction to the agenda and the state of play of its application.
Автори : Spatial Foresight: Kai BÖHME, Erik GLØERSEN
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Research for REGI Committee - Impact of Brexit on the Development of Irish Regions and their Cross-Border Cooperation EN

31-05-2023 PE 733.128 REGI
Резюме : The UK Withdrawal Negotiations raised awareness about the positive effects of European integration on regional development and cross-border cooperation in Ireland – and their vulnerability to Brexit. This At a glance note summarises the report explaining and evidencing the impact of Brexit – anticipated, actual and potential – in this unique case study. Its focus is on non-trade related matters, including administrative, environmental and cultural, particularly as managed at local and regional levels. In light of these, it makes recommendations for future territorial cohesion and regional development in Ireland.
Автори : Caroline CREAMER, Katy HAYWARD

Research for REGI Committee - The use of Cohesion Policy funds to support refugees from Ukraine EN

31-05-2023 PE 747.250 REGI
Резюме : In 2022, Europe has seen a sudden, huge influx of refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. This At a glance note summarises study assessing the use of Cohesion Policy funds to finance actions to support those refugees in EU host countries. It pays particular attention to the Cohesion’s Action for Refugees in Europe (CARE), and how the flexibility mechanisms it introduced have been taken up by the Managing Authorities of Cohesion Policy programmes. The study concludes with policy recommendations in view of potential future crises.
Автори : Research for REGI Committee - The use of Cohesion Policy funds to support refugees from Ukraine
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Research for REGI Committee:The use of Cohesion Policy funds to support refugees from Ukraine EN

24-05-2023 PE 747.249 REGI
Резюме : In 2022, Europe has seen a sudden, huge influx of refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. This study assesses the use of Cohesion Policy funds to finance actions to support those refugees in EU host countries. It pays particular attention to the Cohesion’s Action for Refugees in Europe (CARE), and how the flexibility mechanisms it introduced have been taken up by the Managing Authorities of Cohesion Policy programmes. The study concludes with policy recommendations in view of potential future crises.
Автори : The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies: Ambre MAUCORPS, Bernhard MOSHAMMER, Olga PINDYUK, Maryna TVERDOSTUP Case studies: Grzegorz GORZELAK (Lublin Voivodeship), Maria KHRAPUNENKO and Kristjan KALDUR (Estonia), Bernhard MOSHAMMER (Vienna), Zuzana ZAVARSKA (Eastern Slovakia), Chiara CASTELLI (Abruzzo), Ambre MAUCORPS (Luxembourg)
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EU critical raw materials act EN

Резюме : As the first EU act specifically regulating the EU's CRM supply, the proposed initiative aims to address an area previously identified as one of the EU's strategic dependencies. Following a clear problem description, the IA presents three (partially overlapping) policy options and a thorough analysis of their possible impacts, with a clear focus on economic impacts. The identification of the preferred policy option appears justified. The predominantly qualitative assessment draws merely on desk research and stakeholder input. In this respect, the IA admits to having 'significant data gaps' and a 'limited' evidence base, owing in part to 'the lack of a supporting study'. With regard to stakeholder input, the IA does not explain why the public consultation was open for only 8 weeks (instead of the default 12). It is notable that the proposed regulation deviates somewhat in scope from the IA: it adds a further specific objective – namely to diversify CRM imports in order to reduce strategic dependencies – and provides for a few measures that were either not assessed at all in the IA, or which were outside the preferred policy option.
Автори : Irmgard ANGLMAYER

Research for REGI Committee - Impact of Brexit on the Development of Irish Regions and their Cross-Border Cooperation EN

09-05-2023 PE 733.127 REGI
Резюме : The UK Withdrawal Negotiations raised awareness about the positive effects of European integration on regional development and cross-border cooperation in Ireland – and their vulnerability to Brexit. This report explains and evidences the impact of Brexit – anticipated, actual and potential – in this unique case study. Its focus is on non-trade related matters, including administrative, environmental and cultural, particularly as managed at local and regional levels. In light of these, it makes recommendations for future territorial cohesion and regional development in Ireland.
Автори : Maynooth University: Caroline CREAMER Queen’s University Belfast: Katy HAYWARD

Research for REGI Committee - Actions of cities and regions in the Mediterranean Sea area to fight sea pollution EN

08-05-2023 PE 733.122 REGI
Резюме : This At a glance note summarises the study providing a comprehensive analysis of the most common types of marine pollutants in the Mediterranean Sea and focusing on the accelerating accumulation of marine litter and plastics in the Mediterranean Sea. It presents the actions taken by EU Mediterranean regions and cities to respond to diverse pollutants, waste contamination, marine litter and plastic pollution in the marine environment. Based on this assessment, policy recommendations are put forward.
Автори : Patrizia ZIVERI, Michaël GRELAUD, Jorge PATO
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Mechanism to resolve legal and administrative obstacles in a cross-border context EN

02-05-2023 PE 740.233 REGI
Резюме : EU border regions encounter legal and administrative obstacles in their cooperation. Citizens and businesses face unequal access to public services and fewer economic opportunities. COVID has highlighted the urgent need to address the remaining cross-border obstacles and define a long-term vision for unleashing the potential of border regions to become the drivers of European cooperation. The study identifies three policy options: status quo, soft-law measures, and adopting a new instrument (ECBM 2.0). Policy option 3 has the highest potential impact, addressing both legal and administrative obstacles, bringing benefits of €123 billion per year, as well as positive social impacts.

Research for REGI Committee - The impact of the gas supply crisis on the Just Transition Plans. EN

28-04-2023 PE 733.134 REGI
Резюме : The project provides information on the current and potential impact of the gas supply crisis on the Just Transition Plans (JTPs). The evidence is based on the analysis of EU gas and energy supply dependencies, trade linkages with Russia, the general EU’s policy framework, Just Transition Mechanism (JTM), REPowerEU plan and the investigation of six case studies. It concludes with specified policy recommendations reflecting the implemen¬tation of the JTM, the JTPs in the light of risks of the energy crisis.
Автори : ÖIR GmbH: Kinga HAT, Marvin BÖHNKE, Erich DALLHAMMER, Roland GAUGITSCH, Chien-Hui HSIUNG, Isabella MESSINGER t33 Srl: Michele ALESSANDRINI, Elena IACOBUCCI, François LEVARLET Tullio BUCCELLATO

Research for REGI Committee : Actions of cities and regions in the Mediterranean Sea area to fight sea pollution. EN

16-03-2023 PE 733.123 REGI
Резюме : This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the most common types of marine pollutants in the Mediterranean Sea and focuses on the accelerating accumulation of marine litter and plastics in the Mediterranean Sea. It presents the actions taken by EU Mediterranean regions and cities to respond to diverse pollutants, waste contamination, marine litter and plastic pollution in the marine environment. Based on this assessment, policy recommendations are put forward.
Автори : Patrizia ZIVERI (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Bellaterra, Spain; Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain) Michaël GRELAUD, Jorge PATO (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Bellaterra, Spain).
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Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - March 2023 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee:Cooperation between EU cities and regions with their Ukrainian partners EN

10-03-2023 PE 733.117 REGI
Резюме : The development of territorial cooperation between European and Ukrainian local and regional authorities is an important step toward Ukraine’s membership in the EU. This study presents the benefits of and barriers to the collaboration between European and Ukrainian cities and regions and shows the role of the EU programmes and instruments in supporting territorial cooperation. It suggests solutions that can promote cooperation between cities and regions and describes their potential to strengthen the capacities of self-governments and to support civil society in Ukraine.
Автори : Regional Studies Association – Polish Section: Maciej SMĘTKOWSKI, Anna KNIAZEVYCH, Agnieszka OLECHNICKA, Justyna ORCHOWSKA, Ewelina PRZEKOP-WISZNIEWSKA
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Research for REGI Committee - Cooperation between EU cities and regions with their Ukrainian partners EN

01-03-2023 PE 733.118 REGI
Резюме : The development of territorial cooperation between European and Ukrainian local and regional authorities is an important step toward Ukraine’s membership in the EU. This At a glance note summarises the study presenting the benefits of and barriers to the collaboration between European and Ukrainian cities and regions and shows the role of the EU programmes and instruments in supporting territorial cooperation. It suggests solutions that can promote cooperation between cities and regions and describes their potential to strengthen the capacities of self-governments and to support civil society in Ukraine

Research for REGI Committee - Cohesion Policy in EU Coal Regions EN

14-02-2023 PE 733.108 REGI
Резюме : Decarbonisation brings both significant challenges and opportunities for coal regions. This At a glance note summarises the study analysing the implementation and impact of Cohesion Policy, including Just Transition Funds, in EU coal regions. Looking retrospectively at the 2014-2020 programming period and forward to the 2021-27 period, the study concludes that Cohesion Policy has made, and is likely to continue to make a real contribution to achieving smarter, greener and more socially connected development of EU coal regions.
Автори : Javier FERNANDEZ (Study Director), Pouyan MALEKI-DIZAJI (Research Coordinator & Lead Author), Veronika MULLER (Key Researcher), Paul BAKER, Samuel GREGORRY-MANNING, Antonio BETANCOR, Carmen HOYA, Gabriele GALASSI, Maria REYES, Alexandre MOHAMEDALY
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Social approach to the transition to smart cities EN

13-02-2023 PE 737.128 REGI ITRE FEMM
Резюме : This study explores the main impacts of the smart city transition on our cities and, in particular, on citizens and territories. In our research, we start from an analysis of smart city use cases to identify a set of key challenges, and elaborate on the main accelerating factors that may amplify or contain their impact on particular groups and territories. We then present an account of best practices that can help mitigate or prevent such challenges, and make some general observations on their scalability and replicability. Finally, based on an analysis of EU regulatory frameworks and a mapping of current or upcoming initiatives in the domain of smart city innovation, capacity-building and knowledge capitalisation, we propose six policy options to inform future policy-making at EU level to support a more inclusive smart city transition.
Автори : This study has been written by Agnese Macaluso, Michael Flickenschild, Alessandro Gasparotti, Hidde Wedman and Zinovia Panagiotidou of Ecorys together with Philipp Lämmel and Nikolay Vassilev Tcholtchev of Fraunhofer FOKUS, Trinidad Fernandez of Fraunhofer IAO, Philippe Baudouin of IDATE SAS, and Gaelle Le Gars (independent expert) at the request of the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) and managed by the Scientific Foresight Unit, within the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat of the European Parliament.
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Research for the REGI Committee: Cohesion Policy in EU Coal Regions EN

31-01-2023 PE 733.107 REGI
Резюме : Decarbonisation brings both significant challenges and opportunities for coal regions. This study analyses the implementation and impact of Cohesion Policy, including Just Transition Funds, in EU coal regions. Looking retrospectively at the 2014-2020 programming period and forward to the 2021-27 period, the study concludes that Cohesion Policy has made, and is likely to continue to make a real contribution to achieving smarter, greener and more socially connected development of EU coal regions.
Автори : Ecorys Research & Consulting: Javier FERNANDEZ-LOPEZ (Study Director), Pouyan MALEKI-DIZAJI (Research Coordinator & Lead Author), Veronika MULLER (Key Researcher), Paul BAKER, Samuel GREGORY-MANNING, Antonio BETANCOR, Carmen HOYA, Gabriele GALASSI, Maria REYES, Alexandre MOHAMEDALY
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Towards EU leadership in the space sector through open strategic autonomy - Cost of non-Europe EN

Резюме : This 'cost of non-Europe' report looks at the potential benefits of efficient, ambitious and united EU-level action in the space sector. The report finds that to enable the European space sector to benefit from open strategic autonomy, and to ensure EU access to and use of space, including for its security, the EU must act decisively. Moving away from fragmentation could bring large benefits, amounting to at least €140 billion per year by 2050.

Research for REGI, CONT and BUDG Committees - Cohesion Policy Calendar (2021-2027 and 2014-2020 Programming Periods) January 2023 update EN

18-01-2023 PE 563.425 REGI BUDG CONT
Резюме : The implementation timetable for cohesion policy is defined largely by its legislative framework. In order to be able to plan parliamentary work and exercise systematic scrutiny of policy implementation and of the Commission’s work, it is essential to have an overview of the timing of different steps in policy implementation in the coming years. This type of briefing was first published (and subsequently updated) in 2014 covering the 2014-2020 programming period. This version includes the policy actions of the 2021-27 period, while still indicating the last steps of the 2014-20 period. It includes a detailed (but non-exhaustive) timetable of policy actions in 2023, together with an overview of major actions for the remainder of the programming period, from 2023. Given its contribution to cohesion in the European Union, policy actions under the Recovery and Resilience Facility are now included in the calendar. Policy actions related to budgetary and budgetary control aspects are coloured green (for the year 2023).
Автори : Diana HAASE

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - December 2022 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - November 2022 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee - The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine on EU cohesion Part II: Overview and outlook EN

11-11-2022 PE 733.097 REGI
Резюме : This At a glance note summarises the study on The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine on EU cohesion Part II: Overview and outlook. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and a range of mega-trends affect Europe’s pathway and exacerbate vulnerabilities for many places and societal groups. They risk accelerating disparities between places and people. Cohesion Policy proved to be a highly flexible instrument, reacting quickly and effectively against the effects of the pandemic. For the 2021-27 period it seems programmes are adopting a ‘back to normality’ approach. To address cohesion challenges ahead and ensure the crises result in a green, digital and just transition, Cohesion Policy has to adjust.
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The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine on EU cohesion Part II: Overview and outlook EN

25-10-2022 PE 733.095 REGI
Резюме : The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and a range of mega-trends affect Europe’s pathway and exacerbate vulnerabilities for many places and societal groups. They risk accelerating disparities between places and people. Cohesion Policy proved to be a highly flexible instrument, reacting quickly and effectively against the effects of the pandemic. For the 2021-27 period it seems programmes are adopting a ‘back to normality’ approach. To address cohesion challenges ahead and ensure the crises result in a green, digital and just transition, Cohesion Policy has to adjust.
Автори : Spatial Foresight: Kai BÖHME, Sabine ZILLMER, Sebastian HANS t33: Dea HRELJA, Alessandro VALENZA, Arianna MORI
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Tracking the EU Commissioners’ commitments - Von der Leyen Commission, 2019 - 2024 EN

Резюме : This document is a compilation of briefings that track the commitments made by the Vice-Presidents and Commissioners to the European Parliament – in their written answers to Parliament’s questions, at their hearings, and, in some cases, in subsequent appearances before Parliament’s committees. The document provides an overview of the state-of-play at the mid-term of the von der Leyen Commission. Since many of these commitments were made, major international crises have shifted some political priorities. The Vice-Presidents’ and Commissioners’ progress on their commitments should be considered in this context.

Tracking the EU Commissioners’ commitments - Von der Leyen Commission, 2019 - 2024: Elisa Ferreira EN

20-09-2022 PE 699.624 REGI
Резюме : This briefing follows up on the commitments made by the commissioner in 2019.

Research for REGI Committee - Cohesion Policy in Northernmost Regions of the EU: North Sweden, North & East Finland EN

14-09-2022 PE 733.085 REGI
Резюме : This At a glance note sumarises the study on Cohesion Policy in Northernmost Regions of the EU: North Sweden, North & East Finland. Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPAs) have high economic potentials. Proactive public policies are needed to unlock them by overcoming key demographic challenges, making it possible for companies to recruit skilled staff and enhancing the welfare and quality of life of their populations. The study describes measures implemented to this end under EU Cohesion Policy. It suggests that more integrated approaches could help address these challenges in a more effective way and preserve territorial cohesion within NSPA regions.
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Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - September 2022 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee: Cohesion Policy in Northernmost Regions of the EU EN

06-07-2022 PE 699.657 REGI
Резюме : Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPAs) have high economic potentials. Proactive public policies are needed to unlock them by overcoming key demographic challenges, making it possible for companies to recruit skilled staff and enhancing the welfare and quality of life of their populations. The study describes measures implemented to this end under EU Cohesion Policy. It suggests that more integrated approaches could help address these challenges in a more effective way and preserve territorial cohesion within NSPA regions.
Автори : Erik Gløersen, Spatial Foresight GmbH
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Research for REGI Committee - Social Challenges in Cities EN

30-06-2022 PE 699.632 REGI
Резюме : This At a glance note sumarises the study that explores social challenges and policy responses in EU cities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It demonstrates that the pandemic has placed additional pressures on vulnerable groups and the institutions that work to support them. It finds that the local policy capacity to respond to the crisis has differed across cities and multi-level governance settings. Participatory and integrated policy efforts have often failed to meet the expectations of urban citizens and stakeholders. To move towards urban resilience in times of crisis, EU-level funding needs to become more accessible and focused on long-term transformations, as well as improving policy dialogue with those cities most limited by ineffective local governance structures and historical legacies.
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Research for REGI Committee: Cities and the Ukrainian Refugees EN

16-06-2022 PE 699.654 REGI
Резюме : This briefing summarizes the implications of the influx of refugees from Ukraine for European cities, and how cities can navigate challenges to continue being a positive factor in the support of Ukraine. The briefing is based on available official sources and expert commentaries and written in the context of the study ‘Social challenges in cities’ contracted by the European Parliament . The PPMI research team conducted desk research in English, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Romanian and Polish languages. National experts supported the search for information on the situation in Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Slovakia, Spain, and Malta.
Автори : PPMI: Iselin Mulvik, Hanna Siarova

Research for REGI Committee: Social Challenges in Cities EN

10-06-2022 PE 699.631 REGI
Резюме : This study explores social challenges and policy responses in EU cities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It demonstrates that the pandemic has placed additional pressures on vulnerable groups and the institutions that work to support them. It finds that the local policy capacity to respond to the crisis has differed across cities and multi-level governance settings. Participatory and integrated policy efforts have often failed to meet the expectations of urban citizens and stakeholders. To move towards urban resilience in times of crisis, EU-level funding needs to become more accessible and focused on long-term transformations, as well as improving policy dialogue with those cities most limited by ineffective local governance structures and historical legacies.
Автори : Iselin MULVIK, Eigirdas SABALIAUSKAS, Hanna SIAROVA, Kristupas PRIBUIŠIS, Joanna KOSTKA
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Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - June 2022 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Towards a new regulatory framework for European population statistics EN

11-05-2022 PE 730.309 REGI LIBE EMPL ECON
Резюме : Census data and demographic statistics are of great relevance for policy-making at the European, national, regional and local levels. At a time where the European Union (EU) is undergoing major demographic changes, driven by an ageing population, low fertility rates and increased migration flows, demand for accurate and timely population statistics rises. In parallel, owing to progress in digitalisation, statistical data collection methods are shifting from traditional population censuses and surveys towards the use of administrative data. Such register-based data collection methods bear great potential in terms of improved data frequency, granularity and burden reduction. The modernisation of European population statistics is one of the action points included in the European statistical programme 2021-2027, and part of a wider programme to modernise social statistics. Under the current regulatory framework, Eurostat collects population data under a number of separate legal acts, covering demographic, census and migration data. One of them, Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 on European demographic statistics, is set to expire in 2028. According to the 2022 Commission work programme, the Commission will present a legislative proposal on population statistics in the second quarter of 2022. The new proposal should integrate, in a single legal act, annual demographic and migration statistics and decennial census data, as well as regional and geo-referenced population data. It should provide for timelier, more coherent and more specific population statistics that reflect migration more adequately and facilitate the use of administrative data sources.

Research for REGI Committee: EU tools to respond to natural disasters EN

11-05-2022 PE 699.637 REGI
Резюме : This study provides an analysis and assessment of EU tools to respond to natural disasters. Particular attention is paid to the European Union Solidarity Fund and the potential synergies and overlaps with other EU instruments including the Emergency Aid Reserve, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism as well as Cohesion Policy. Also, the recent modifications to the EUSF including the extension to address major public health emergencies as well as the modifications linked to the 2021-2027 programming period are examined. Based on this assessment, policy recommendations are put forward.

Research for REGI Committee: EU regions in the transformation towards a climate-neutral future EN

30-04-2022 PE 699.629 REGI
Резюме : This study provides information on requirements and goals for successful transformation towards a climate neutral future at regional level in the EU. Based on the analysis of six regional best practice examples across the EU, the key drivers, conditions and instruments for a successful transformation were identified. The project results in the formulation of specified policy recommendations for EU decision-makers in the field of supporting the EU regions in achieving the goals of climate neutrality.
Автори : Jacques LECARTE, Frederic GOUARDERES

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - May 2022 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee: EU regions in the transformation towards a climate-neutral future EN

27-04-2022 PE 699.628 REGI
Резюме : This study provides information on requirements and goals for successful transformation towards a climate neutral future at regional level in the EU. Based on the analysis of six regional best practice examples across the EU, the key drivers, conditions and instruments for a successful transformation were identified. The project results in the formulation of specified policy recommendations for EU decision-makers in the field of supporting the EU regions in achieving the goals of climate neutrality.
Автори : Kinga HAT, Helene GORNY, Mailin GAUPP-BERGHAUSEN, Bernd SCHUH, Sergio BARROSO, Markus HAMETNER, Patricia URBAN, Katharina UMPFENBACH, Deyana SPASOVA

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - March 2022 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee - The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on EU cohesion and EU cohesion policy - Part I: Overview and first analysis EN

17-02-2022 PE 699.618 REGI
Резюме : The COVID-19 pandemic was a major shock deeply impacting people, enterprises, public authorities, municipalities and regions. In many regards the pandemic has accelerated fragmentation between societal groups and between places. Many of the pandemic impacts highlight the risks of increasing inequalities. The worst and most direct impacts have been avoided by swift policy actions. In this context Cohesion Policy played an important role.
Автори : Jacques LECARTE, Marek KOŁODZIEJSKI

Research for REGI Committee - The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on EU cohesion and EU cohesion policy - Part I: Overview and first analysis EN

18-01-2022 PE 699.617 REGI
Резюме : The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated fragmentations between societal groups and between places. It risks reinforcing existing imbalances and inequalities in the EU. The worst and most direct impacts have been avoided by swift policy actions. In this context Cohesion Policy played a role. The swift introduction of new measures to counteract the socio-economic effects of the pandemic were extremely important. To address cohesion challenges lying ahead of us and use the crisis as a chance for a transition towards a greener and more digital future, Cohesion Policy might need to adjust.
Автори : Spatial Foresight: Kai BÖHME, Sabine ZILLMER, Sebastian HANS t33: Dea HRELJA, Alessandro VALENZA, Arianna MORI

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - December 2021 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee - Cross-border cooperation in healthcare EN

10-11-2021 PE 699.609 REGI
Резюме : This At a glance note summarises the study that analyses the role of Cohesion Policy as regards cross-border cooperation in healthcare, with a particular focus on the 2014-2020 Interreg V-A programmes. The study also reviews the issue of governance related to such projects and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, it identifies possible solutions and puts forward policy recommendations to facilitate patient and healthcare staff flows, to improve the cross-border supply of healthcare and to support cross-border mutual development.
Автори : Jacques LECARTE, Stephan Klaus DIETZEN

Research for REGI Committee - Cross-border cooperation in healthcare EN

26-10-2021 PE 690.904 REGI
Резюме : This study analyses the role of Cohesion Policy as regards cross-border cooperation in healthcare, with a particular focus on the 2014-2020 Interreg V-A programmes. It also reviews the issue of governance related to such projects and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, it identifies possible solutions and puts forward policy recommendations to facilitate patient and healthcare staff flows, to improve the cross-border supply of healthcare and to support cross-border mutual development.
Автори : prof. Fabienne Leloup

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - October 2021 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee - Cohesion Policy and support to health EN

13-10-2021 PE 690.903 REGI
Резюме : As the EU’s main investment policy, Cohesion Policy can play a key role in promoting health and in reducing health inequalities. This briefing reviews the role of Cohesion Policy with regard to health in the 2014-2020 period and explores the prospects and challenges that lie ahead. Particular attention is paid to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Автори : Stephan Klaus DIETZEN

Research for REGI Committee - Artificial Intelligence and Urban Development EN

15-09-2021 PE 690.895 REGI
Резюме : This At a glance note summarises the research paper that explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in urban areas, and its impact on socio-economic and territorial cohesion. The research paper argues that expectations surrounding AI are high, especially in the context of smart-city initiatives, but that the actual benefits are yet to be fully assessed. To avoid potential risks, local and urban authorities need to fulfil a series of conditions that are inherently challenging. The EU’s AI Policy and its Cohesion Policy, in particular, may help, but they need to address the territorial dimension of AI more explicitly.
Автори : Jacques LECARTE, Diana HAASE

Research for ANIT Committee - Patterns of livestock transport in the EU and to third countries EN

03-09-2021 PE 690.894 AGRI REGI ANIT
Резюме : The in-depth analysis was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Committee of Inquiry on the Protection of Animals during Transport (ANIT). The paper provides an analysis of the main drivers and key features of livestock transport within the EU and to third countries.
Автори : Jacques LECARTE, François NEGRE

Research for REGI Committee - Artificial Intelligence and Urban Development EN

30-07-2021 PE 690.882 REGI
Резюме : This research paper explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in urban areas, and its impact on socio-economic and territorial cohesion. It argues that expectations surrounding AI are high, especially in the context of smart-city initiatives, but that the actual benefits are yet to be fully assessed. To avoid potential risks, local and urban authorities need to fulfil a series of conditions that are inherently challenging. The EU’s AI Policy and its Cohesion Policy, in particular, may help, but they need to address the territorial dimension of AI more explicitly.
Автори : Julie PELLEGRIN, Louis COLNOT, Laura DELPONTE

Research for REGI Committee-Cohesion Policy and Climate Change EN

17-05-2021 PE 652.248 REGI
Резюме : This study provides an assessment of how EU Cohesion Policy currently contributes and can contribute in the future to reaching the goals of EU Climate Policy. It explains how much of the budget goes to climate action and for what kind of initiatives across EU regions. It also discusses the obligations from the Paris Agreement, the role of Cohesion Policy within the European Green Deal and the impact of phasing out of fossil fuels. Policy recommendations for strengthening climate action financed by Cohesion Policy are set out.
Автори : Project leader: Andrea Ciffolilli (Ismeri Europa) Research team: Paolo Antonelli, Elisa Anna di Palma and Giorgia Pichini (Ismeri Europa), João Telha and Goncalo Caetano (CEDRU).

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - April 2021 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee-Cohesion Policy and Climate Change EN

15-04-2021 PE 652.247 REGI
Резюме : This study provides an assessment of how EU Cohesion Policy currently contributes and can contribute in the future to the attainment of the goals of EU Climate Policy. It explains how much of the budget goes to climate action and to what kind of initiatives across EU regions. It also discusses the obligations from the Paris Agreement, the role of Cohesion Policy within the European Green Deal and the impact of phasing out fossil fuels. Policy recommendations for strengthening climate action financed by Cohesion Policy are set out.
Автори : Project leader: Andrea Ciffolilli (Ismeri Europa) Research team: Paolo Antonelli, Elisa Anna di Palma and Giorgia Pichini (Ismeri Europa), João Telha and Goncalo Caetano (CEDRU).
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Research for REGI Committee -ISLANDS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION: State of play and future challenges EN

31-03-2021 PE 652.244 REGI
Резюме : This paper explores the specificities of islands of the European Union (including Outermost Regions), as well as their challenges and existing means of development. It aims to provide a basis for future discussions and research dedicated to islands’ situation, including the impact of the pandemic on their future development potential. This analysis includes an overview of policy responses for islands' challenges, focusing on Cohesion Policy. Recommendations address, inter alia, decarbonisation, sustainability, quality of life, public services, connectivity and integrated development.

Research for REGI Committee -ISLANDS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION: State of play and future challenges EN

24-03-2021 PE 652.239 REGI
Резюме : This paper explores the specificities of islands of the European Union (including Outermost Regions), as well as their challenges and existing means of development. It aims to provide a basis for future discussions and research dedicated to islands’ situation, including the impact of the pandemic on their future development potential. This analysis includes an overview of policy responses for islands' challenges, focusing on Cohesion Policy. Recommendations address, inter alia, decarbonisation, sustainability, quality of life, public services, connectivity and integrated development.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - January 2021 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee-Climate Spending in EU Cohesion Policy: State of Play and Prospects EN

21-12-2020 PE 652.236 REGI
Резюме : With more than EUR 55 billion in planned investments, Cohesion Policy seeks to make a significant contribution to the EU´s overall climate-related spending target of 20% in the 2014-2020 period. There are concrete achievements in a number of areas such as flood and forest fire protection. However, evidence also suggests that Cohesion Policy is at risk of missing some of its targets, including on energy efficiency, renewables and greenhouse gas emissions. Cohesion policy has also continued to provide support to fossil fuels and biomass, which may hinder the EU’s long-term path to climate neutrality. Moreover, the Commission’s current approach to tracking climate-related expenditure in Cohesion Policy has shortcomings. There is a need for a transparent and meaningful methodology, with a stronger focus on performance and results, as repeatedly highlighted by Parliament. The climate spending target is set to increase to at least 30% under the EU’s next Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) and the Recovery Instrument (Next Generation EU). In the period 2021-2027, Cohesion Policy is expected to place even more emphasis on climate and environment-related issues in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal.
Автори : Stephan Klaus DIETZEN

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - December 2020 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events. regional development, cohesion policy, COVID19, WTO, budget control, budget, economy, international affairs, international law, Schengen governance, single market, European court of Auditors, energy.

Research for REGI Committee-Cohesion Policy measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic EN

05-11-2020 PE 652.223 REGI
Резюме : The EU has been very active in setting up policy and funding instruments to swiftly and pragmatically mobilise initial support during the health crisis, immediately followed by efforts to get the economy back on track. This paper provides a first review of Cohesion Policy measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including preliminary insights on their uptake and reflections on their impact. It concludes with policy pointers on how to use the measures as accelerators for structural change.
Автори : Spatial Foresight: Kai BÖHME & Christian LÜER

Research for REGI Committee - Cohesion Policy Measures in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic EN

29-10-2020 PE 652.216 REGI
Резюме : The EU has been very active in setting up policy and funding instruments to swiftly and pragmatically mobilise initial support during the health crisis, immediately followed by efforts to get the economy back on track. This paper provides a first review of Cohesion Policy measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including preliminary insights on their uptake and reflections on their impact. It concludes with policy pointers on how to use the measures as accelerators for structural change.
Автори : Spatial Foresight: Kai BÖHME, Christian LÜER.

Research for REGI Committee - EU lagging regions: state of play and future challenges EN

26-10-2020 PE 652.215 REGI
Резюме : This study analyses the EU’s lagging regions and proposes a revised typology to identify those that are most vulnerable, with an eye to the challenges emerging from the ongoing economic transitions. It also explores the engagement of lagging regions in EU policies, including cohesion policy, and puts forward some recommendations to improve their future support at EU level.
Автори : EPC: Marta PILATI, Alison HUNTER

Commitments made at the hearings of the Commissioners-designate - von der Leyen Commission 2019-2024 EN

Резюме : This document provides links to all Briefings produced by the Policy Departments of the Directorate-General for Internal Policies and of the Directorate-General for External Policies of the European Parliament, with salient points and essential commitments made by the Vice-Presidents and Commissioners-designates at their respective hearings before the European Parliament, in September-November 2019 and in October 2020. For an exhaustive list of all commitments made and positions taken by the candidates, the full verbatim report of each public hearing is available on the dedicated hearings website of the European Parliament, as are the written questions and answers.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - November 2020 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee - EU lagging regions: state of play and future challenges EN

15-10-2020 PE 652.219 REGI
Резюме : This study analyses the EU’s lagging regions and proposes a revised typology to identify those that are most vulnerable, with an eye to the challenges emerging from the ongoing economic transitions. It also explores the engagement of lagging regions in EU policies, including cohesion policy, and puts forward some recommendations to improve their future support at EU level.
Автори : EPC: Marta PILATI, Alison HUNTER

RESEARCH FOR REGI COMMITTEE - EU Cohesion Policy in non-urban areas EN

15-10-2020 PE 652.220 REGI
Резюме : This study looks at the role of EU Cohesion Policy in non-urban (rural) areas. It analyses the challenges of these areas and discusses the extent and thematic orientation of rural Cohesion Policy funding. The study then presents the relationship between Cohesion Policy and CAP, before giving an overview of the role of Cohesion Policy for healthcare. It also reflects on the implications of Cohesion Policy proposals post-2020 for rural areas, before providing final conclusions and recommendations for a long-term policy vision.
Автори : EPRC: Stefan KAH, Neli GEORGIEVA, Liliana FONSECA

RESEARCH FOR REGI COMMITTEE - EU Cohesion Policy in non-urban areas EN

30-09-2020 PE 652.210 REGI
Резюме : This study looks at the role of EU Cohesion Policy in non-urban (rural) areas. It analyses the challenges of these areas and discusses the extent and thematic orientation of rural Cohesion Policy funding. The study then presents the relationship between Cohesion Policy and CAP, before giving an overview of the role of Cohesion Policy for healthcare. It also reflects on the implications of Cohesion Policy proposals post-2020 for rural areas, before providing final conclusions and recommendations for a long-term policy vision.
Автори : Stefan KAH, Neli GEORGIEVA, Liliana FONSECA - EPRC

Policy Departments' Monthly Highlights - June 2020 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee -The Role of Evaluation in Cohesion Policy EN

27-05-2020 PE 629.219 REGI
Резюме : This study analyses the role of evaluation in Cohesion Policy, with a focus on the 2014–2020 programming period. It presents and assesses those EU rules which shape evaluations and their implementation at both the EU and Member State levels. Based on this evidence, it discusses possible options for the post–2020 period.
Автори : CSIL: Julie PELLEGRIN, Louis COLNOT, with support from Matteo PEDRALLI Country experts: University of Warsaw Diana IONESCU (RO), Tomasz KUPIEC (PL) Agnieszka OLECHNICKA (PL) CSIL: Matteo PEDRALLI (IT) ESTEP: Neringa VIRŠILIENĖ (LT) Scientific Advisers: FREE UNIVERSITY OF BRUSSELS-VUB: Nicola FRANCESCO DOTTI and THE UNIVERSITY OF MILAN: Massimo FLORIO

Policy Departments' Monthly Highlights - May 2020 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee - Briefing: - Assessment of the Just Transition Fund proposal EN

18-02-2020 PE 629.213 REGI
Резюме : Soon after unveiling the overall roadmap for its flagship European Green Deal initiative, the European Commission published its first concrete proposal on 14 January 2020, on how to establish a Just Transition Mechanism (European Commission, 2020a, 2020b and 2020c). The objective of this initiative is to provide support to territories facing serious socio-economic challenges arising from the transition towards climate-neutrality. To reach the €100 billion of Just Transition Mechanism financing (for the period 2021-2027) promised by European Commission President Von der Leyen, the initiative relies on three main pillars (European Commission, 2020a): 1. The creation of a Just Transition Fund (JTF): the Commission wants to add €7.5 billion of ‘fresh money’ to the total amount proposed in 2018 for the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). This is supposed to trigger between €30 billion and €50 billion of additional funding for the regions most affected by the transition 2. The use of a portion of the InvestEU financing devoted to climate to mobilise a total of €45 billion of investment in ‘Just Transition’ projects between 2021 and 2027. 3. The creation a public sector loan facility at the European Investment Bank partly guaranteed by the EU budget, to mobilise between €25 billion to €30 billion of additional public investments in 2021-2027.
Автори : BRUEGEL - Aliénor Cameron, Grégory Claeys, Catarina Mideos and Simone Tagliapietra

Policy Departments' Monthly Highlights - February 2020 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.
Резюме : Настоящият документ е компилация от открояващи се аспекти и основни ангажименти, поети от кандидатите за заместник-председатели и за членове на Комисията по време на съответните им изслушвания пред Европейския парламент. Той има за цел да Ви предостави практически и кратък инструмент за проследяване на усилията и действията на бъдещата Комисия. За изчерпателен списък на всички поети ангажименти и позиции на кандидатите на разположение на специалния уебсайт за изслушванията от 2019 г. на Европейския парламент са пълният стенографски протокол от всяко публично изслушване, както и въпросите с искане за писмен отговор и техните отговори. Настоящият документ включва добавка, съдържаща ангажиментите, поети по време на изслушванията от октомври 2020 г.

Commitments made at the hearing of Elisa FERREIRA, Commissioner-designate - Cohesion and Reforms EN

22-11-2019 PE 629.207 REGI
Резюме : The commissioner-designate, Elisa Ferreira, appeared before the European Parliament on 02 October 2019 to answer questions put by MEPs from the Committee on Regional Development. During the hearing, she made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document. These commitments refer to her portfolio, as described in the mission letter sent to her by Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect of the European Commission, including: - Cohesion, reforms and a just transition.
Автори : Marek KOŁODZIEJSKI, Stephan Klaus DIETZEN

Research for REGI Committee-Urban Agenda: Assessment from the European Parliament's Perspective EN

15-11-2019 PE 629.194 REGI
Резюме : The 2016 Pact of Amsterdam launched the Urban Agenda for the European Union. Within its framework, partnerships of urban authorities, Member States and other stakeholders have developed action plans to achieve better funding, better knowledge and better regulation for the priority theme of their partnership. This study provides an overview and critical assessment of the current state of play including the position of the European Parliament. Two partnerships, (1) Sustainable Use of Land and Nature-based Solutions and (2) Housing, are studied in more detail.
Автори : TU Delft: Willem K KORTHALS ALTES, Marietta EA HAFFNER Assisted by Danielle A GROETELAERS

Research for REGI Committee - Visibility and Communication of Cohesion Policy in Online Media EN

15-10-2019 PE 629.196 REGI
Резюме : This study evaluates the visibility and communication of cohesion policy in online media. It employs a mixed methods approach to investigate media coverage, representation and user perceptions of cohesion policy in online media. The research draws on an original dataset of over 60,000 news articles and 100,000 user-generated comments. It also analyses social media – over 11,000 Facebook posts and over five million tweets on Twitter – and 13,000 EU press releases. The key conclusion is that cohesion policy visibility is relatively low in online media. Policy recommendations are provided to improve cohesion policy visibility particularly through citizen engagement.
Автори : EPRC Delft: Carlos MENDEZ, Vasiliki TRIGA, John BACHTLER, Costas DJOUVAS, Fernando MENDEZ, Sebastian STIER

Policy Departments' Monthly Highlights - September 2019 EN

Резюме : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for REGI Committee – Cohesion policy: The European Parliament’s role since the Treaty of Lisbon EN

15-07-2019 PE 629.195 REGI
Резюме : This study assesses the role of the European Parliament in the field of cohesion policy since the Treaty of Lisbon introduced ‘co-decision’ procedure whereby Parliament and Council have equal powers in agreeing the regulations of the EU Structural and Investment Funds. In addition to the formal processes, the study also considers the informal ones from policy development at the pre-legislative stage to the interinstitutional negotiations as well as the Parliament’s scrutiny role over cohesion policy.
Автори : Jürgen PUCHER, Haris MARTINOS, Serafin PAZOS-VIDAL, Jasmin HAIDER
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