Latest documents

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MINUTES - Thursday, 25 May 2023

08-06-2023 ING2_PV(2023)05-25-1 PE749.221v01-00 ING2

MINUTES - Tuesday, 30 May 2023

08-06-2023 ING2_PV(2023)05-30-1 PE749.222v01-00 ING2

MINUTES - Thursday, 1 June 2023

08-06-2023 ING2_PV(2023)06-01-1 PE749.294v01-00 ING2

MINUTES - Thursday, 4 May 2023

08-05-2023 ING2_PV(2023)05-04-1 PE746.999v01-00 ING2

MINUTES - Wednesday, 26 April 2023

27-04-2023 ING2_PV(2023)04-26-1 PE746.922v01-00 ING2

AMENDMENTS 1 - 221 - Draft report Recommendations for reform of the European Parliament’s rules on transparency, integrity, accountability and anti-corruption

20-04-2023 ING2_AM(2023)746838 PE746.838v01-00 ING2
Nathalie LOISEAU Vladimír BILČÍK

AMENDMENTS 222 - 425 - Draft report Recommendations for reform of the European Parliament’s rules on transparency, integrity, accountability and anti-corruption

20-04-2023 ING2_AM(2023)746839 PE746.839v01-00 ING2
Nathalie LOISEAU Vladimír BILČÍK

MINUTES - Thursday, 30 March 2023

19-04-2023 ING2_PV(2023)03-30-1 PE746.690v01-00 ING2

MISSION REPORT following the mission to Kyiv (Ukraine) on 20 and 21 February 2023

23-03-2023 ING2_CR(2023)742630 PE742.630v01-00 ING2

MINUTES - Tuesday, 21 March 2023

23-03-2023 ING2_PV(2023)03-21-1 PE745.439v01-00 ING2

DRAFT REPORT on recommendations for reform of European Parliament’s rules on transparency, integrity, accountability and anti-corruption

21-03-2023 ING2_PR(2023)742667 PE742.667v03-00 ING2
Nathalie LOISEAU Vladimír BILČÍK
Deadline for tabling amendments : 13-04-2023

MISSION REPORT following the mission to New York (United States) from 31 October to 3 November 2022

13-03-2023 ING2_CR(2023)738495 PE738.495v03-00 ING2

MINUTES - Tuesday, 28 February 2023

02-03-2023 ING2_PV(2023)02-28-1 PE742.678v01-00 ING2

AMENDMENTS 1 - 367 - Draft report Foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation

03-02-2023 ING2_AM(2023)739701 PE739.701v01-00 ING2

AMENDMENTS 368 - 709 - Draft report Foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation

03-02-2023 ING2_AM(2023)742363 PE742.363v01-00 ING2

AMENDMENTS 710 - 927 - Draft report Foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation

03-02-2023 ING2_AM(2023)742364 PE742.364v01-00 ING2

MINUTES - Thursday, 26 January 2023

02-02-2023 ING2_PV(2023)01-26-1 PE740.888v01-00 ING2

MINUTES - Thursday, 1 December 2022

16-01-2023 ING2_PV(2022)12-01-1 PE739.614v02-00 ING2

MINUTES - Thursday, 12 January 2023

13-01-2023 ING2_PV(2023)01-12-1 PE740.675v01-00 ING2

DRAFT REPORT on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation

05-01-2023 ING2_PR(2022)736601 PE736.601v02-00 ING2
Deadline for tabling amendments : 31-01-2023

MINUTES - Thursday, 8 December 2022

04-01-2023 ING2_PV(2022)12-08-1 PE739.734v01-00 ING2

MISSION REPORT following the Canberra and Melbourne (Australia) from 20 to 22 September 2022

23-11-2022 ING2_CR(2022)736546 PE736.546v03-00 ING2

MINUTES - Thursday, 17 November 2022

21-11-2022 ING2_PV(2022)11-17-1 PE738.727v01-00 ING2

MINUTES - Thursday, 27 October 2022

07-11-2022 ING2_PV(2022)10-27-1 PE738.449v01-00 ING2

MINUTES - Thursday, 13 October 2022

14-10-2022 ING2_PV(2022)10-13-1 PE737.323v01-00 ING2

MINUTES - Thursday, 29 September 2022

11-10-2022 ING2_PV(2022)09-29-1 PE736.723v01-00 ING2

MISSION REPORT following the mission to the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE) in Helsinki (Finland) on 7-8 September 2022

08-09-2022 ING2_CR(2022)736541 PE736.541v01-00 ING2

MINUTES - Thursday, 23 June 2022

06-07-2022 ING2_PV(2022)06-23-1 PE734.244v02-00 ING2

MINUTES - Thursday, 30 June 2022

05-07-2022 ING2_PV(2022)06-30-1 PE734.325v01-00 ING2

MISSION REPORT following the mission to NATO StratCom in Riga (Latvia) from 24 to 25 May 2022

29-06-2022 ING2_CR(2022)732666 PE732.666v01-00 ING2

MISSION REPORT following the visit to Paris (France) on 14 March 2022

24-06-2022 ING2_CR(2022)734254 PE734.254v01-00 ING2

MINUTES - Thursday, 12 May 2022

17-05-2022 ING2_PV(2022)05-12-1 PE732.558v01-00 ING2