Commissioner Schinas and Qatar

Major interpellation for written answer G-001001/2023
to the Commission
Rule 139
Ryszard Antoni Legutko, Zdzisław Krasnodębski
on behalf of the ECR Group

02-02-2023 G-001001/2023

Attacks on critical energy infrastructure

Major interpellation for written answer G-001001/2022
to the Commission
Rule 139
Nicolaus Fest, Bernhard Zimniok, Gunnar Beck, Markus Buchheit, Gerolf Annemans
on behalf of the ID Group

02-10-2022 G-001001/2022

The surge in commodity and input prices in the agricultural sector

Major interpellation for written answer G-001004/2021
to the Commission
Rule 139
Martin Hlaváček
on behalf of the Renew Group

15-12-2021 G-001004/2021

Strengthening the system for protecting PDO and PGI denominations in the EU after the Prosecco/Prosek case

Major interpellation for written answer G-001003/2021
to the Commission
Rule 139
Mara Bizzotto
on behalf of the ID Group

10-11-2021 G-001003/2021

Recognition of the right to a healthy environment

Major interpellation for written answer G-001002/2021
to the Commission
Rule 139
María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos
on behalf of the Renew Group

06-10-2021 G-001002/2021

Implementation and enforcement of EU environmental law

Major interpellation for written answer G-001001/2021
to the Commission
Rule 139
Sven Giegold, Margrete Auken, Rosa D'Amato, Bas Eickhout, Eleonora Evi, Martin Häusling, Grace O'Sullivan, Jutta Paulus, Marie Toussaint
on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

12-07-2021 G-001001/2021

The Commission’s assessment of the quality of its answers to questions for written answer

Major interpellation for written answer G-001002/2020
to the Commission
Rule 139
Christine Anderson, Markus Buchheit
on behalf of the ID Group

23-09-2020 G-001002/2020

The President of the Commission’s interference in the Croatian elections – violation of the Code of Conduct for the Members of the Commission

Major interpellation for written answer G-001001/2020
to the Commission
Rule 139
Christine Anderson, Jörg Meuthen, Jérôme Rivière, Harald Vilimsky, Peter Kofod, Laura Huhtasaari, Jaak Madison, Gunnar Beck, Lars Patrick Berg, Markus Buchheit, Nicolaus Fest, Maximilian Krah, Joachim Kuhs, Sylvia Limmer, Guido Reil, Bernhard Zimniok
on behalf of the ID Group

14-07-2020 G-001001/2020

Breaches of the rights of children whose parents work in Austria

Major interpellation for written answer with debate G-000001/2019
to the Commission
Rule 130b
Daniel Buda, Theodor Dumitru Stolojan, Marian-Jean Marinescu, Adina-Ioana Vălean, Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, Mihai Ţurcanu, Csaba Sógor, Siegfried Mureşan, Emil Radev, Milan Zver, Romana Tomc, Ivana Maletić, Michaela Šojdrová, Marijana Petir, Dubravka Šuica, Danuta Jazłowiecka, Krzysztof Hetman, Franc Bogovič, Anna Záborská, Željana Zovko, Marek Plura, Dariusz Rosati, Tamás Deutsch, Kinga Gál, Norbert Erdős, László Tőkés, Andrea Bocskor, András Gyürk, György Schöpflin, Andor Deli, Pál Csáky, Vladimir Urutchev, Michał Boni, Lívia Járóka, Andrey Kovatchev, Asim Ademov, Stanislav Polčák, Eva Maydell, Ivica Tolić, Alojz Peterle

31-01-2019 G-000001/2019

VP/HR - Recent state-terror activities by Iran in the EU

Major interpellation for written answer with debate G-000008/2018
to the Commission
Rule 130b
Anders Primdahl Vistisen, Pavel Telička, Péter Niedermüller, Heinz K. Becker, Frédérique Ries, Jozo Radoš, Nadja Hirsch, Wolf Klinz, Gérard Deprez, Robert Rochefort, Renate Weber, Marietje Schaake, Igor Gräzin, Norica Nicolai, Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Dominique Riquet, Jean Arthuis, Bernd Kölmel, Joachim Starbatty, Kristina Winberg, Peter Lundgren, Jan Zahradil, Ruža Tomašić, Bas Belder, Richard Sulík, Raffaele Fitto, Kosma Złotowski, Laurenţiu Rebega, Karol Karski, Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, Hans-Olaf Henkel, Ryszard Antoni Legutko, Lorenzo Cesa, Anders Sellström, Željana Zovko, Patricija Šulin, Tomáš Zdechovský, Marijana Petir, José Inácio Faria, Antonio López-Istúriz White, Fulvio Martusciello, Esteban González Pons, Milan Zver, Monika Hohlmeier, Cristian Dan Preda, Stefan Gehrold, Traian Ungureanu, Tunne Kelam, Ramona Nicole Mănescu, Anna Záborská, Elisabetta Gardini, Lukas Mandl, James Carver, Monika Beňová, Andi Cristea, Theresa Griffin, Pina Picierno, Boris Zala, Doru-Claudian Frunzulică, Dan Nica

06-12-2018 G-000008/2018


Major interpellations for written answer

Major interpellations may be tabled by a political group to the Council, the Commission or the Vice-President of the Commission/High-Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

The President shall verify whether the questions are admissible. If that is the case, the addressee has to reply within six weeks.

If the addressee fails to answer the major interpellation within six weeks of being forwarded to it, the interpellation shall, at the request of the author, be placed on the final draft agenda of Parliament, and approved by the Conference of Presidents.

On receipt of the written answer, if Members or a political group or groups representing at least 10% of Parliament’s component Members so request, the major interpellation shall be placed on the final draft agenda of Parliament, and approved by the Conference of Presidents.

Rule 132(2) to (5) concerning the tabling of, and voting on, motions for resolutions shall apply mutatis mutandis.

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