European Parliament Audiovisual Services  

Informing and engaging as many citizens as possible about the democratic process are our main ambitions. Comprehensive, impartial and complete communication is essential to deliver the democratic message to citizens. We support MEPs and media by offering them the necessary audiovisual tools and services to communicate about the European Parliament activity.

Broadcast and Multimedia facilities in a nutshell  

The services we offer 

Our services aim to make reporting what happens in the EP simpler. The quality of the service we offer is the same regardless of whether or not you are in EP premises. It is possible to follow the debates of MEPs in plenary or to watch, trim and download meeting recordings directly from the Multimedia Centre. In addition, our broadcast and multimedia studios and positions are available should you want to discuss about key European issues or interview a MEP, even remotely.

Discover all the services we offer below.

Rules governing the use of the Audiovisual facilities  

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Toolkit for media  

The EP's Audiovisual service offers tools and facilities to the media and MEPs. To find out more about how to take full advantage of using the Multimedia Centre (MMC) to search for photos, stockshots, video or media related to an event or to find out how to customise the download of a video from the webstreaming section in the MMC or how to download videos from the EbS, we invite you to watch our tutorials.

If you are interested in learning about the conditions for using our facilities, how to book them and how we can make your programme fit your needs, feel free to consult our Q&A document and watch our videos presenting our facilities.

Guided tour of Audiovisual facilities and short presentation about our services can be offered to accredited journalists interested in finding out more about the Audiovisual Services. Get in contact with us for more information:

Behind the scenes of SOTEU 2022