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28-06-2023 - 11:04 BUDG ECON

The Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs will hold an exchange of views with Elena Flores, Chair of the InvestEU Steering Board on 28 June. The InvestEU Programme provides long-term funding to companies and supports sustainable investment, innovation and job creation in Europe. About two years after the implementation of the InvestEU Regulation, the exchange of views with Ms Flores will enable Members to take stock of progress so far.

Commissioner for Economy
28-06-2023 - 11:04 ECON

The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs will hold an exchange of views 28 June with Commissioner Gentiloni in the aftermath of the adoption of a US Inflation Reduction Act (US IRA). Expected large public funds in State aid will impact the internal market and Member States' budgets, and risk to replace private investment. Discussion will also address the coordination of the different tools available to achieve the targets of the Green Deal Industrial Plan.

People walking in a road in the countryside of Uganda
28-06-2023 - 11:04 DEVE

The Committee on Development, in association with the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, will hold a public hearing on 28 June to analyse debt crisis in developing countries, its impact on development, possible ways forward to allow for debt relief and debt reduction, and what action the EU and its Member States could and should take.

The single market allows goods, services, money and people to move freely between EU countries, making life easier and better for Europeans and business.
28-06-2023 - 11:03 BUDG

The Committee on Budgets will host a hearing on EU financial assistance to Africa and Latin America on 28 June. The Committee will also hear the presentation on the working document analysing the Draft Budget 2024. Members will also vote on the European Commission's proposal for a decision to mobilise the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF) to support 603 displaced Belgian workers.

28-06-2023 - 11:03 AGRI

The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will discuss temporary trade liberalisation with Ukraine, free trade agreements, EAFRD temporary support, sugar market and the 2024 Budget on 28-29 June. Members will also discuss and vote on organic sea salt, vote an opinion on the EU-UK TCA, and the inter-institutional agreement on organic pet food labelling. The committee will also hold a Public Hearing on energy efficiency on farms.

Emerging hands in fron of the EU flag
28-06-2023 - 11:03 LIBE

The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs will see presentations of the 2023 Fundamental Rights Report and Europol's annual EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report on 28-29 June. Also the Commission's Communication on the monitoring of the EU's visa free regimes and Eurojust's annual report will be presented.

Hands together
28-06-2023 - 11:03 EMPL

The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs will vote on the report on vocational training on 28-29 June. At the same meeting, commemorating the second anniversary of the European Child Guarantee, the Members will discuss progress made in this area with national parliaments. The Members will also exchange views with Margaritis Schinas, European Commission Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life.

words h2 and gigabit in 3D rendering
28-06-2023 - 11:02 ITRE

The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy will consider two draft reports on 28-29 June: the own-initiative report on the European Hydrogen Bank, and the draft report on the Commission proposal for a Gigabit Infrastructure Act.

A minor using a tablet
28-06-2023 - 11:01 IMCO

The Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection will hold a public hearing on 29 June. Members and experts will discuss legislative, technical, and practical implications of online safety of vulnerable consumers (minors), as well as the challenges and opportunities to achieve a safer digital environment.

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Dokumenty informacyjne o UE

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Analizy uzupełniające

Analizy uzupełniające oferują wysokiej jakości niezależne ekspertyzy, analizy i doradztwo polityczne we wszystkich obszarach działalności Parlamentu Europejskiego.

Publiczny rejestr

Rejestr publiczny Parlamentu Europejskiego zawiera odniesienia do dokumentów sporządzonych lub otrzymanych przez tę instytucję od 3 grudnia 2001 r.

Zwykła procedura ustawodawcza

Zwykła procedura ustawodawcza jest generalnie stosowaną procedurą przyjmowania prawodawstwa na szczeblu Unii Europejskiej.

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