A word from the Chair

Dear visitor, dear friend,

Welcome to the website of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with the Pan-African Parliament (DPAP).

The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) is the legislative body of the African Union. Composed of 275 Members of Parliament, 5 from each of the 49 participating African countries, it has advisory and consultative powers.

Strengthening relations with the Pan-African Parliament is a European Parliament priority. Our Delegation is responsible for fostering these relations in the framework of the Africa-EU Partnership as outlined in the Joint Communication 'Towards a Comprehensive Strategy with Africa' and in the ACP-EU Cotonou Partnership Agreement. The delegation has been working along the four joint political priorities agreed at the last AU-EU Summit:

1. Boosting and mobilising investments for African structural sustainable transformation,
2. Investing in people through education, science, technology and skills development,
3. Strengthening resilience, peace, security and governance,
4. Addressing the current challenges in migration and mobility.

The European Union - African Union summit took place in Brussels on 17-18 February 2022. Ahead of the Summit, the European Parliament hosted a meeting on AU-EU relations on 10 February.

María Soraya Rodríguez

Meeting: 10 May 2023 (replacing the 4 May meeting)

22-05-2023 - 15:00

The D-PAP meeting was held on 10 May from 13:30 to 14:30 in Strasbourg (room: DE MADARIAGA S5). This meeting replaced the meeting previously scheduled for 4 May. The meeting focused on the discussion and preparation of the EP-PAP Interparliamentary meeting (scheduled for the week of 17-19 May in Midrand, South Africa). In the meeting DPAP Members decided to postpone the IPM to a later date (to be determined).

Meeting: 9 February 2023

07-03-2023 - 11:47
The D-PAP meeting was held in Brussels on Thursday, 9 February from 14.00 to 15.30 (room Spinelli 1E2). The meeting focused on the EU-Africa digital divide and the Global Gateway Africa - Europe Investment Package, aiming to support Africa for a strong, inclusive, green and digital recovery.

EP-Pan-African Parliament Inter-Parliamentary Meeting, 8 and 9 December 2022

14-12-2022 - 11:30
The Inter Parliamentary Meeting (IPM) between the European Parliament (EP) and the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) took place on Thursday, 8 December, and Friday, 9 December, in Brussels (and remotely).
The Pan African Parliament delegation was composed of 18 Members and was led by PAP President H.E. Hon. Chief Fortune Charumbira. The discussion focused on new PAP in the African Union architecture, the EP and PAP cooperation on gender equality, peace and security, food security and nutrition in Africa, as well as youth participation in decision-making. Speakers included representatives of EU Institutions, UN, FAO and the civil society.
Please see below the adopted Joint-declaration and a link for more details.

Meeting: 1 December 2022

14-12-2022 - 11:26

The DPAP meeting took place on Thursday 1 December from 15.00 to 16.00 (Brussels, in room Spinelli 1E2)

The main point of this meeting was to prepare the upcoming European Parliament-Pan-African Parliament Interparliamentary meeting that would take place in the European Parliament in Brussels on 8 and 9 December 2022.

Additionally, the EEAS and the Commission DG INTPA updated the members on the state of play of the EU-AU relations and on the implementation of the Declaration resulting from the European Union-African Union Summit: A Joint Vision for 2030.

Meeting: 26 October 2022

14-12-2022 - 11:25
The DPAP, jointly with the Committee on Development (DEVE), held a meeting on 26 October from 09:50 to 10:50.

The Committee on Development and the Delegation to the Pan-African Parliament hosted an exchange of views on 'Women empowerment: African women as positive actors of change'.

EU-Africa: MEPs call for stronger ties to face global challenges together

12-04-2022 - 14:14

Ahead of the EU-African Union summit on 17-18 February, leading MEPs highlight the need for a strong EU-Africa partnership based on cooperation between equals.

"A week ahead of the long awaited European Union-African Union summit, we call on the Heads of States and Government to lay the foundation for a strategic, win-win and results-oriented partnership of equals.

China and Russia are advancing their geopolitical interests in Africa. Therefore, the EU needs to increase cooperation with the African Union, and its sub-regional and national African partners, to ensure security and development and to achieve long-term peace and stability.

The EU and AU must place at the heart of their cooperation agenda a human rights-based approach to policies on trade, migration, gender equality, corporate responsibility, security and the fight against terrorism and extremism.

The EU-AU Summit should pave the way for a sustainable and inclusive economic recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic, with priority given to accelerating access to vaccines, addressing poverty, putting youth at its heart and promoting gender equality and women's empowerment, and delivering on the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

EU and Africa trade and investment relations must ensure the productive transformation of the African continent, be mutually beneficial, open, fair and sustainable, and contribute to job creation and private investments supporting a green growth trajectory

We also call on the EU-AU partnership to take full account of the effects of climate change in Africa, and therefore to scale up actions in the area of mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk management, and achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

We condemn the presence in Africa of private military and security companies, in particular the Wagner Group that has committed widespread human rights violations while acting in support of the interests of non-democratic states."

The statement is co-signed by:

David McAllister (EPP, Germany), Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee;

Bernd Lange (S&D, Germany), Chair of the International Trade Committee;

Tomas Tobé (EPP, Sweden), Chair of the Development Committee;

Carlos Zorrinho (S&D, Portugal), Chair of the delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly;

María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos (Renew Europe, Spain), Chair of the delegation for relations with the Pan-African Parliament.

Magdalena Adamowicz (EPP, Poland), Chair of the delegation for relations with South Africa,


Press release - "EU-AU Summit: MEPs to call for deepening of relations at pre-summit meeting" (09.02.2022)

European Parliament Delegation for relations with the Pan-African Parliament (DPAP)

Press release :EU-Africa: MEPs call for stronger ties to face global challenges together

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