Welcome from the Chair

Welcome to the website of the European Parliament's Delegation for relations with the Republic of Iraq.

As the elected Chair of the Delegation, I will preside over our regular meetings in Brussels and Strasbourg and set the agenda for our work with our Iraqi partners. During this term of the European Parliament, while respecting the independence of the Iraqi parliament, I am committed to work to ensure that the European Parliament's positions are taken into full account in all policy areas pertaining to our relations with country.

In addition to our regular meetings within the European Parliament, the delegation will hold bilateral inter-parliamentary meetings (IPMs) with the Iraqi parliament. These meetings contribute to strengthening the relations between the EU and the Iraq, enhancing our cooperation in several policy fields and improving our mutual understanding.

As one of the "diplomatic arms of the European Parliament", the Delegation for relations with the Iraq actively contributes to representing the European Union in the country while promoting the values on which the European Union is founded, namely the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.

Moreover, as a part of my mandate, and in full cooperation with my colleagues, I will multiply our efforts to reinforce the role of parliamentary diplomacy, contribute to the sustainable and peaceful development of the country, open a dialogue on issues related to religious and ethnic minorities and work towards a more inclusive society where the role of women is strengthened.

I look forward to guiding our Delegation through the current challenging times.

Sara Skyttedal, Chair 2019-2024

Next meeting on 06/07/2023 @ 14.00 in Brussels

28-06-2023 - 11:20
The next meeting of the Delegation for relations with Iraq (D-IQ) will take place on Thursday, 6 July 2023, in Brussels, at 14h00-15h00. (CET) in room SPINELLI - SPAAK 4B1
The main issue in the agenda will be an exchange of views on the prospects for economic cooperation and support for foreign direct investments to Iraq with:

· Ms Anna Maria Panagiotakopoulou, Head of the Arabian Peninsula and Iraq division at the European External Action Service (EEAS)

· Ms Sarah Rinaldi, Head of Middle East and Central Asia Unit at DG International Partnerships

Meeting of the EP's Delegation for relations with Iraq, Wednesday 6 July, Strasbourg

07-07-2022 - 11:40
A meeting of the EP's Delegation for relations with Iraq took place on Wednesday 6 July in Strasbourg.
The items discussed were the following:

- Debriefing on the SEDE mission to Iraq (week 21 - May 2022) by Madame Nathalie Loiseau, Chair of EP's Sub-Committee on Security and Defense.

- Exchange of views and preparation of the mission to Iraq and Inter-Parliamentary Meeting with the Council of Representatives of Iraq (week 38 - September 2022)

Meeting with Monseigneur Najeeb Moussa Michaeel, Archbishop of Mosul

01-07-2022 - 16:39
Interview with Archbishop of Mosul in the European Parliament in Strasbourg
© European Union (2022) - European Parliament
On Wednesday 8 June, the European Parliament welcomed Monseigneur Najeeb Moussa Michaeel, Archbishop of Mosul and 2020 Sakharov Prize finalist.

Monseigneur Michaeel, who became a Sakharov Prize finalist for his role in promoting tolerance among religious communities in Iraq and saving religious and cultural heritage, came to Strasbourg upon the invitation of the Delegation for relations with Iraq, in the first in person meeting since before the pandemic. Monseigneur Michaeel also had the opportunity to bilaterally meet Members and leave his main messages to a broader audience in a short video.

Monseigneur Michaeel recalled the hardships minorities have experienced in Iraq during the last two decades. In particular, he highlighted the harsh period under ISIS rule, in which Islamist terrorists destroyed a large part of the Christian and Yazidi communities, not to mention the destruction of the cultural heritage, including temples and artefacts.

Monseigneur Michaeel provided Members with his account of the current situation of Iraq and pleaded for the international community to help rebuilding churches and help the minorities return to their homeland and retake their previous lives. He also draw attention to the fact that, even if not comparable to the ISIS period, there is still harassment and discrimination of minorities in the current Iraqi political situation.

Last but not least, Monseigneur Michaeel highlighted that many of the current threats to peace and security in Iraq arise from endemic corruption and the interference of international actors such as Iran, Turkey and the United States and pledged Iraq not to be forgotten in the international affairs priorities of institutions like the European Parliament.

Meeting of the EP's Delegation for relations with Iraq, 24 January 2022

14-03-2022 - 10:08
A meeting of the EP's Delegation for relations with Iraq took place on 24 January 2022.

The main item debated was the political situation of Kurdistan and on a possible cooperation with the European Parliament, with the participation of Mr Hayman Salah HAWRAMI, Deputy-Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament.

Meeting of the EP's Delegation for relations with Iraq, 6 December, 15.30

08-12-2021 - 16:28
A meeting of the EP's Delegation for relations has been held on 6 December from 15.30 to 16.30 via Webex platform.
The main item discussed was the 2021 Iraqi parliamentary elections: a stepping-stone to the future of Iraq.

Meeting Mr Ruiz Devesa with Iraqi Foreign Minister, H.E. Fuad Hussein

06-07-2021 - 16:23
Picture: Mr Ruiz Devesa, Acting Chair of the EP's Delegation for relations with Iraq, and H.E. Mr Fuad Hussein, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iraq

H.E. Mustapha Al-Kadhimi, Prime Minister of Iraq, and other key ministers of this country visited the European Institutions on 30 June and 1 July 2021.
In the context of Mr Khadimi's visit, Mr Ruiz Devesa, Acting Chair of the EP's Delegation for relations with Iraq (D-IQ), met with Iraqi Foreign Minister, H.E. Mr Fuad Hussein. This constructive meeting covered a number of issues of common interest including the setting-up of a Joint Parliamentary Committee and the improvement of bilateral parliamentary and political relations.

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