Welcome from the Chair

Welcome to the website of the European Parliament's Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee.

The role of this Delegation is to monitor and strengthen the relations between the EU and Ukraine and to contribute to the work of the European Parliament's Committees, including the implementation of the Association Agreement, the protection of human rights and democratic values, the implementation of recommendations formulated in the course of election observation missions, and the scrutiny of EU spending in Ukraine. The onset of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has only reinforced the importance of our mandate.

Our Delegation also constitutes the European Parliament component of the joint inter-parliamentary body with the Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine), the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee (PAC) that was established by the Association Agreement between the by the EU and Ukraine in June 2014.

As of 2019, during the current 9th legislature of the European Parliament, I have the honour to co-chair this Delegation together with a Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, Vadym Halaichuk. We formally met with our counterparts in from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 18-19 December 2019 in Strasbourg for the first time, on the occasion of the 10th meeting of the EU-Ukraine PAC. Subsequent meetings were held remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the security situation in Ukraine.

This body enables us to continue our intense cooperation and dialogue with the Ukrainian Parliament even during wartime, and it offers a platform to discuss all topics of relevance, including parliamentary follow-up on Ukraine's official accession request to the EU, as supported by the EP resolution of 1 March 2022 adopted by a significant majority. In the current context of the Russian military aggression against Ukraine, we also focus our attention on EU's military and humanitarian support, EU's response, including sanctions, pursuing accountability for violations of the international humanitarian law and war crimes, as well as preparations for the reconstruction of Ukraine.

I am convinced that the importance of this joint body as an essential forum of political dialogue will only grow, due to our mutual commitment to Ukraine's European path that will require intense contacts and discussions going forward, building on the expertise, experience and active participation of all our Members.

As the Chair of the Delegation, I am determined to pursue our cooperation, ensure parliamentary follow-up to Ukraine's official EU accession request and to assist Ukraine in its chosen European strategic course and to support Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

You will find more detailed information about our work, the activities of the European Parliament and the bilateral relations between EU and Ukraine on this website. Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us (D-UA@europarl.europa.eu).

Witold Jan Waszczykowski


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