Welcome from the Chair

I would like to warmly welcome you to the website of the European Parliament's Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee. This website is meant to provide you with information on the EU-Moldova parliamentary relations.

Since I was elected by my colleagues in September 2019, I preside over our regular meetings in Brussels and Strasbourg. I also have the honour of co-chairing the meetings of the joint parliamentary body - the 'Parliamentary Association Committee' - that the European Parliament and the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova established in 2015 as a result of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.

As a European Parliament Delegation, our main goal is to help reinforcing the EU's relationship with Moldova, ensuring that the objectives of the Association Agreement are pursued and that the values on which it is founded are respected. We seek improvements in the standards of Moldovan citizens, a modern economy and help strengthening a democratic system in Moldova, based on the rule of law.

Implementing the EU-Moldova Association Agreement requires a hard work from all of us, including the adoption of a significant number of laws by the Moldovan Parliament. We, Members of the European Parliament, are willing to share our experience and good practices with our Moldovan counterparts.

The European Parliament Delegation also looks for an open dialogue with the Moldovan civil society, media representatives, researchers, students, and other important interlocutors, with the aim of providing a quality contribution to the European Parliament resolutions and other initiatives that shape the EU policy on Moldova. For this purpose, we have a close collaboration with other relevant European Parliament bodies, like the Foreign Affairs Committee and its sub-committees, the Delegation for the Euronest Joint Assembly, etc. and we maintain a constant communication with the European Commission and the European External Action Service.

I hope that you find this site useful.

Siegfried Mureşan

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