Welcome from the Chair
Welcome to the website of the Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (DNAT).
The EU and NATO have founded their long-standing partnership, in an environment shaped by common principles and values. The European Parliament and NATO engage frequently in active dialogue in order to deepen mutual understanding and consolidate cooperation.
Composed of 10 Members from the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE), the European Parliament Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO's aim is to convey the positions of the European Parliament with a view to further developing the relationship between the EU and NATO, while respecting the independent nature of both organisations.
DNAT's role is particularly relevant in addressing common challenges facing both the EU and NATO that include: countering hybrid threats; operational cooperation; cyber security and defence; defence capabilities; the defence industry and research; exercises; supporting the capacity-building efforts undertaken by Eastern and Southern partners.
My commitment throughout the new parliamentary term is to work towards strengthening the relations between the European Parliament and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Further, as Chair the Delegation I shall be planning to organise an extended range of activities focusing on the parliamentary dimension of defence and on how to address common challenges in the most efficient manner.