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Meetings schedule

22-06-2023 - 18:02

The next JURI Committee meetings are scheduled on:

  • 26-27 June 2023, Brussels
  • 27 June 2023, joint meeting with IMCO
  • 28 June 2023, joint meeting with AFCO
  • 3 July 2023, Brussels

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26-06-2023 - 15:16

On 26 June 2023, the JURI commitee will hold a hearing on Harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law (16.00-17.30). The Members will also consider draft opinion on geo-blocking (2023/2019(INI)) and draft repommendation on geographicsl indications (2022/0372(NLE)). Finally, the Members will hear reporting back from the mission to San Francisco and from trilogues on Protection of the environment through criminal law and replacing Directive 2008/99/EC (2021/0422(COD)).

12-06-2023 - 14:49

On 30 May 2023, the JURI Members voted on the provisional agreement resulting from interinstitutional negotiations on Geographical indication protection for craft and industrial products (2022/0115(COD)) and on opinion in letter form on Prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market (2022/0269(COD)).

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