Sottokumitat għas-Sigurtà u d-Difiża

L-aħħar aħbarijiet

Next SEDE meeting - 28 and 29 June 2023

28-05-2023 - 22:57

The next ordinary meeting of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 28 June 2023 from 9.00 - 12.30hrs and 14.30 - 18.30 and on Thursday, 29 June 2023 from 9.00 - 12.30 in Brussels (room SPINELLI 1E2).

The meeting agenda and documents will be published here.

SEDE missions 2023:

  • Armenia - 19-22 June 2023
  • Romania and Moldova - 15-18 May 2023
  • Djibouti and Somalia - 1-4 April 2023
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina - 20-23 February 2023

SEDE missions 2022:

  • SEDE mission to South Korea and Japan - 18-22 December 2022
  • SEDE mission to Niger from 31 October - 3 November 2022
  • SEDE mission to Mozambique from 18-22 September 2022
  • SEDE mission to France from 19-21 July 2022
  • SEDE mission to Iraq from 24-28 May 2022
  • SEDE mission to Georgia from 10-14 April 2022


Workshop - role of cyber - Russia war against Ukraine 29 June 2023
21-06-2023 - 11:57

On 29 June, SEDE Members will participate in the workshop on 'The role of cyber in the Russian war against Ukraine: its impact and the consequences for the future of armed conflict'. The discussion will focus on the cyber dimension of the Russian war in Ukraine, assessing how cyber warfare can fit into conventional high-violence conflict.

22-05-2023 - 23:22

The Subcommittee on Security and Defence holds exchange views on chemical weapons and their non-proliferation and disarmament on 23 May. Members and the EU Special Envoy for Non-proliferation and Disarmament, Ambassador Marjolijn van Deelen, and the Chair of the WG preparing the fifth review conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention, Ambassador Lauri Kuusing, will discuss the outcome of the conference and measures to prevent and deter state and non-state actors from using chemical weapons.

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