Põllumajanduse ja maaelu arengu komisjon


A close up shot of a young green plant growing in potting soil with a green blurry background. Some images around this plant depict a thermometer, a raindrop, the sun, and a chemical formula
23-06-2023 - 12:11

Members of the AGRI Committee will participate in the public hearing regarding the vital matter for agriculture, the energy efficiency on farms.

22-06-2023 - 16:03

On 28-29 June, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will discuss temporary trade liberalisation with Ukraine, free trade agreements, EAFRD temporary support, sugar market and the 2024 Budget. It will also discuss organic sea salt and adopt the related report. AGRI will also adopt an opinion on the EU-UK TCA and the inter-institutional agreement on organic pet food labelling.

hearing ECI cosmetics
05-06-2023 - 09:28

On 25 May, MEPs debated animal testing in cosmetics with the initiators of a citizen’s initiative to secure better animal welfare and environmental protection, in a public hearing.

24-05-2023 - 11:02

On 22-23 May, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development exchanged with EC Vice-President Timmermans. It also adopted opinions on nature restauration, water policy, and urban wastewater treatment, and considered draft opinions on the sustainable use of pesticides, carbon removal certification, and the implementation of the EU-UK TCA.

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Résultats de traduction
Résultat de traduction
Poster of the audition representing four photos. One with a ladybug eating aphids. Another with grape crops protected by a fabric bag. Another still with a sprinkler of organic product on a plant. And finally a photo of a field that has just been plowed.
24-05-2023 - 11:01

The AGRI and ENVI Committees organised a joint public hearing on the IPMWORKS networks. IPMWORKS is a project supported by the Horizon 2020 Programme.

Fact Sheets on the EU

The Fact Sheets provide an overview of European integration and of the European Parliament's contribution to that process.

Supporting Analyses

prepared by the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies


Teaduse ja tehnoloogia tuleviku esinduskogu