Работни групи

Тематичните отдели организират семинари с цел да се даде възможност на членовете на ЕП да задават въпроси на експерти и да обменят мнения с тях по теми, свързани с парламентарната работа, а също и по теми от актуален интерес. Те не са непременно публични, но могат да се провеждат по време на заседание на комисия.

Workshops hold during the previous parliamentary term: click here

We see a part of EU flag, the title of the workshop, legal documents and a gavel.

On 17 May 2022, the the Policy Department for Citizens Rights and Constitutional Affairs will organise a workshop on "The Principle of primacy of EU law in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Courts of Member States" for the JURI Committee.

dark stellar background; digital icons on the left; icons inside circles

On 15 March 2022, the Policy Department for Citizens Rights and Constitutional Affairs organised a workshop on "Better Regulation" for the JURI Committee.

Children raising hand. Classroom environment.

On 26 May 2021, the Policy Department for Citizens Rights and Constitutional Affairs organised a workshop on "Mainstreaming children's rights in the EU legislation under the Better Regulation Agenda" for the JURI Committee, in the presence of the EP Coordinator for Children's Rights, Ms Ewa Kopacz.

Child on a table with parents in the background

On 16 November 2020, the Policy Department for Citizens Rights and Constitutional Affairs organised a workshop on "The 40th Anniversary of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction" for the JURI Committee, in the presence of the EP Coordinator of Children's' Rights, Ms Ewa Kopacz.

environmental damage

On 27 October 2020, the Policy Department for Citizens Rights and Constitutional Affairs organised a workshop on "Liability of companies for environmental damage" for the JURI Committee.

За контакти


Tематичен отдел по граждански права и конституционни въпроси