Работни групи

Тематичните отдели организират семинари с цел да се даде възможност на членовете на ЕП да задават въпроси на експерти и да обменят мнения с тях по теми, свързани с парламентарната работа, а също и по теми от актуален интерес. Те не са непременно публични, но могат да се провеждат по време на заседание на комисия.

Workshops hold during the previous parliamentary term: click here

The recent UK financial sector regulation - implications for the EU

The ECON committee organised the presentation of a study on 25 April 2023 from 09:00 to 10:00 on ‘Recent trends in UK financial sector regulation and possible implications for the EU, including its approach to equivalence’.

yellow flower in grass next to paper with text green bonds

The Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies organised a study presentation on 26 October 2022 from 14:00 to 15:00 in Room 1E1 (Spinelli building), on ‘Green Bonds: An assessment of the proposed EU Green Bonds Standard and its potential to prevent greenwashing’.

Economic governance support unit

The workshop was organised by the Economic Governance Support Unit for the ECON Committee on 11 December 2019.

Economic governance support unit

The ECON Committee organised a Banking Union Workshop on an EU liquidation regime for banks on 4 December 2019 (14:30 – 16:30) in Brussels, room ASP5E2.

За контакти


Tематичен отдел по политики в областта на икономиката, науката и качеството на живота