Работни групи

Тематичните отдели организират семинари с цел да се даде възможност на членовете на ЕП да задават въпроси на експерти и да обменят мнения с тях по теми, свързани с парламентарната работа, а също и по теми от актуален интерес. Те не са непременно публични, но могат да се провеждат по време на заседание на комисия.

Workshops hold during the previous parliamentary term: click here

Poster for the workshop "Towards an International Anti-Corruption Court?" showing a sign with the word "corruption" behind the bars

Momentum is building globally for the establishment of an International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC).

Workshop on election processes

On 25 January DROI will hold a workshop on legitimacy and resilience of electoral processes in illiberal political systems and authoritarian regimes, with briefings from two experts. Professor Thomas Demmelhuber (University Erlangen-Nürnberg) will talk about the functions of elections in non-democratic regimes, and Professor Richard Youngs (Carnegie Europe and University of Warwick) will assess policy options for the EU.


In association with the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality

What role for the ICC?

What role can the International Criminal Court (ICC) play in a global context of pervasive impunity and a backlash against human rights? Can the ongoing ICC review process strengthen the Court and its legitimacy? In which way can the EU best support the Court and defend it against political attacks? Such questions will be discussed at the Workshop on the ICC on 28 October 2021 with academic experts, representatives of human rights organisations, lawyers and activists.

Sports and human rights

What progress has been made to include human rights considerations in the preparation and organisation of large sports events? How can the EU and its Member States promote further steps towards a rights based approach to large sporting competitions?

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