Други събития
Всички други публични събития, организирани в рамките на дейностите на комисиите и включващи външни лектори или експерти
Commission Vice-President Schinas will participate in the LIBE meeting of 6 July 2023 to engage in the Commission-Parliament structured dialogue.
To mark World Refugee Day at the European Parliament, the LIBE, DEVE, and DROI Committees are jointly hosting an exchange of views, focusing on forgotten crises as well as the importance of inclusion and finding solutions for displaced people who have found refuge in a foreign country.
The members of the Committee will have the opportunity to discuss with Eurojust President Ladislav Hamran the Agency’s annual report for the exercise of the last year.
The LIBE committee will hear the report of its delegation sent to Belgium (Brussels), France (Calais) and the Netherlands (Ter Apel) from 20 to 22 February 2023.
Two topical exchanges of views on migration in the LIBE Committee meeting of 5 June
LIBE Members will have the opportunity to hear and discuss with Commission Vice President Schinas and Commissioner Johansson on the work carried out by the European Commission’s Task Force on Migration Management, as well as on the alleged push backs of migrants by the Greek authorities.
On Tuesday, 23 May 2023, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs held two exchanges of views dedicated to protection of personal data.
Last February at least 64 people, including children and women, died after a wooden boat carrying migrants from Turkey broke apart on rocks off the coast of Calabria (Southern Italy). The incident opened a debate on the role played by Frontex and the Italian authorities in rescuing human lives at sea.
Exchange of views: Commissioner Jourová, Vice-President for Values and Transparency
Commissioner Jourová, Vice-President for Values and Transparency, exchanged with LIBE Members in the context of the "Structured dialogue" between Commission and Parliament.
At the LIBE meeting of 26 April, Vice-President Šuica provided LIBE members with an overview of the (legislative) initiatives recently adopted, as well as those still to be adopted in the field of responsibility of the Vice President and relevant for the LIBE Committee.
The exchange of views provided information on the developments in the EU and Members States position regarding the changes in the United States visa policy.
On 11 May 2022, the Commission adopted a proposal for a Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse online, aiming at establish a permanent legal framework in the field.
EU-US data transfers: MEPs discuss the adequacy of the EU-US Data Privacy Framework
On Wednesday 1 March, MEPs debateed a draft motion for a resolution on the Commission’s draft adequacy finding covering the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, as well as the relevant opinion of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB).