Срещи с националните парламенти

Комисиите на Европейския парламент могат да участват пряко в диалог с националните парламенти на равнище комисии. Той може да обхваща срещи, на които се събират членове на националните парламенти и на Европейския парламент от съответни комисии, които обсъждат въпроси от общ интерес.
На тази страница ще намерите цялата налична информация във връзка с тези срещи.

The European Parliament Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO), in cooperation with the Legislative Dialogue Unit of the Directorate for Relations with national Parliaments, is inviting Members of national Parliaments of the EU Member States to attend an Interparliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM) to exchange views with national Parliaments on the 'Reform of the European Electoral System'.

Discussion with the national Parliaments the implementation of the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe, including by means of Treaty changes, and the role of the national Parliaments in this process.

On 17 May 2022, AFCO, in cooperation with the Directorate for Relations with national Parliaments, is holding an Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM) to exchange views with Members of National Parliaments on the first results of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

AFCO Banner for ICM 9.11

AFCO, in cooperation with the Legislative Dialogue Unit of the Directorate for Relations with national Parliaments, is inviting Members of national Parliaments of the EU Member States to attend a virtual Interparliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM) to exchange views on the expectations of National Parliaments for the Conference on the Future of Europe.

AFCO, in cooperation with the Legislative Dialogue Unit of the Directorate for Relations with national Parliaments, is inviting Members of national Parliaments of the EU Member States to attend a virtual Interparliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM) to exchange views and reflect on the European electoral law and on the provisions governing the right of inquiry. The meeting will be webstreamed.