Дадена комисия може да организира изслушване с участието на експерти, когато това е от съществено значение за нейната работа по дадена тема. Изслушванията също могат да се провеждат съвместно от две или повече комисии. Повечето комисии организират редовно изслушвания, тъй като те им позволяват да чуят мнението на експерти и да разискват по ключови теми. Настоящата страница съдържа цялата налична информация относно изслушванията на комисиите, включително програми и предоставени от ораторите текстове.
The European Parliament invited experts to discuss perspectives for the EU legal migration framework, around the Commission proposals in the Skills and Talent package and in view of 2021 Parliament's own initiative reports.
The hearing took place in the context of the implementation of the new mandate of Eurojust to support investigations into war crimes in Ukraine. Its aim was to provide a state of play on the ongoing investigations, supported by Ukrainian prosecutors and the ICC, and to reflect on recommendations to strengthen EU support.
On Tuesday, April 25, the LIBE and FEMM Committees held discussions on the UNODC report on Trafficking in Persons.
In its Resolution of 7 April 2021, the European Parliament stressed the importance of enhanced protection for Ukrainian children on the move, as they run a bigger risk of falling victim to trafficking and exploitation.
The CULT Committee in association with LIBE and IMCO committees, organises on 6 February at 16.30 a public hearing dedicated to the "Media Freedom Act", a long awaited legislative proposal aiming to strengthen media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union.
The LIBE committee in association with CULT and IMCO committees, organised on 31st of January a hearing dedicated to the "Media Freedom Act", a long awaited legislative proposal aiming to strengthen media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union. Various stakeholders, including representatives of the Council of Europe, of EDPS, of journalists associations and of academia participated in this hearing that aimed at serving as input for the work on the legislative proposal.
On 8 December from 13.30 to 14.30, Ms Laura Harth, representing the non-profit organisation Safeguard Defenders, will present the main findings of the organisation's latest report entitled "110 Overseas - Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild" in the meeting of the ING2 special committee. This report reveals the existence of a far-reaching network of overseas Chinese police stations targeting Chinese expatriates established within the Member States of the European Union, and beyond.
On December 1st 2022, PETI Committee held a public hearing entitled 'Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation', in association with LIBE Committee and JURI Committee. This public hearing addressed different forms of discrimination of LGBTI persons in some Member States.
The Committee on Budgetary Control and the Committee on Civil Libertes, Justice and Home Affairs held a hearing with authorities of Member States on the financial support for the treatment and accompanying of Ukrainian refugees on 30 November 2022.
On Tuesday, 29 November 2022, the FEMM Committee jointly with the LIBE Committee will hold a public hearing on "Combating trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation (in the context of the war against Ukraine)".
On Thursday, 17 November 2022, the FEMM Committee jointly with the LIBE Committee will hold a public hearing on “Consequences of the de facto abortion ban in Poland”.
On 17 November LIBE Committee organized a public hearing on 'Law enforcement aspects of surveillance in the public space'.