
Дадена комисия може да организира изслушване с участието на експерти, когато това е от съществено значение за нейната работа по дадена тема. Изслушванията също могат да се провеждат съвместно от две или повече комисии. Повечето комисии организират редовно изслушвания, тъй като те им позволяват да чуят мнението на експерти и да разискват по ключови теми. Настоящата страница съдържа цялата налична информация относно изслушванията на комисиите, включително програми и предоставени от ораторите текстове.

futuristic city panorama in lila colour

On 24 April, the JURI Committee organised a hearing on Regulatory challenges of the Metaverse (16.30-18.30). The aim of this hearing was to examine how virtual worlds could impact civil law as well as their implications on intellectual property rights. The hearing was organised to support the future work of the Committee on the upcoming Commission initiative as well as an own-initiative report of the Committee on virtual worlds.

Top view of flag of Europe rainbow lgbt pride, no flagpole. Plane design, layout. Flag background. Freedom and love concept. Pride month. activism, community and freedom

On December 1st 2022, PETI Committee held a public hearing entitled 'Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation', in association with LIBE Committee and JURI Committee. This public hearing addressed different forms of discrimination of LGBTI persons in some Member States.

dark blue color, space, two hands, the hand of the left holds a growing plant, the hand on the right holds the planet Earth

On 26 October, the JURI Committee organised a public hearing on Proportionate and Commensurate Due Diligence in practice (09.00-11.00). The aim of this hearing was to explain why this approach is important and how proportionate and commensurate due diligence looks in practice.

map of Ukraine

On 14 June, the JURI Committee organised a public hearing on the Public international law protection of property rights and the question of future reparations and reconstruction in Ukraine. This hearing aimed at clarifying the limits that public international law poses to the confiscation of frozen and seized assets of Russian companies and individuals and of the Russian State.

mosaique of words associated with parenthood; white background

On 14 June, the JURI Committee organised a public hearing on the Recognition of parenthood in EU (09.00-10.30). The aim of this hearing was to examine the state of play on cross-border recognition of parenthood in the EU and to present the next steps to be taken at European level to address the issue of legal uncertainty concerning cross-border recognition of parenthood in order to safeguard the rights of children and families in such situations.

legal icons on a digital touch screen, dark background

The implementation of artificial intelligence in justice systems is key to the modernisation of access to justice and to the improvement of the quality of the legal environment in Europe. In this context, assessment of technical, legal and ethical aspects is important since citizens’ trust in artificial intelligence and related technologies will be essential for its implementation.

eco balance concept. 3d rendering of scale icon on fresh spring meadow with blue sky in background

On 15 March 2022, the PETI and JURI Committees jointly organised the hearing ‘EU Green Prosecutor - a common toolbox for fighting environmental crime’. The event, which was co-chaired by the Chairs of the two Committees, attracted strong interest, with many participants attending in person.

Improving correct application of IPR online through design

On 1 December 2021, the Committee on Legal Affairs held a public hearing on "Improving correct application of IPR online through design". At this hearing, experts were invited to reflect on the question whether a correct application of IPR online could be improved through IPR data management and the use of new technologies such as Blockchain.

Male person with a hand before his mouth preventing him from speaking

On 15 November 2021, the JURI committee held a hearing on EU Private International Law system (14.30-15.30). The EU Private International Law system in respect of applicable law and competent courts set out in the Rome I and II, and Brussels I Regulation has been successfully in force for about fifteen years. However, during those fifteen years, society has changed substantially.

an adult is holding a child's hand. blurred background.

The Committee on Legal Affairs together with the EP Coordinator on Children's Rights organised a public hearing entitled "Child protection under EU law" on Monday 28 June at 16.45-18.45. The main purpose of this hearing was to investigate the needs of children who find themselves facing civil, family or administrative proceedings and to explore how to achieve best practice in addressing these needs through EU law and policy, and in particular effective child friendly justice.

in the picture there is a gavel formed by a group of people which will hammer a mallet also formed by a group of people

The JURI and LIBE committees jointly organised a hearing via remote means dedicated to SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) on 3 June from 10.30 to 12.00.

A man holding credit card and typing on laptop for online shopping and payment makes a purchase on the Internet. ©Ngampol/Adobe Stock

On 23 March 2021 from 13:45 to 15:45, the Committees on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) and Legal Affairs (JURI) organised jointly a public hearing on "Wirecard – Lessons learnt".