
Дадена комисия може да организира изслушване с участието на експерти, когато това е от съществено значение за нейната работа по дадена тема. Изслушванията също могат да се провеждат съвместно от две или повече комисии. Повечето комисии организират редовно изслушвания, тъй като те им позволяват да чуят мнението на експерти и да разискват по ключови теми. Настоящата страница съдържа цялата налична информация относно изслушванията на комисиите, включително програми и предоставени от ораторите текстове.

Rail infrastructure

“Future challenges for the rail infrastructure: Single European Track Access charges and investments needed towards decarbonisation”

Green Digital Transport

The TRAN Committee held a public hearing on the “Future green and digital transport in a time of energy-related challenges” which examined possibilities for transition towards greener and digital transport and mobility, which is one of the key priorities in the EU policy agenda.

no drone zone

The TRAN Committee held a public hearing with the title "Safe and Efficient Development of a Drone Ecosystem in the EU",

Preventing Transport Poverty and Increasing Fairness in Mobility

The TRAN Committee held a public debate on "Preventing Transport Poverty and Increasing Fairness in Mobility" which contributed to the committee's better understanding on which measures are necessary to help preventing citizens from sliding into a state of transport poverty.


The TRAN Committee held a public debate on “Making the TEN-T fit for European mobility in 2030 and beyond” which contributed to the committee's upcoming deliberations on the revision of the TEN-T Regulation for the development of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T).

Poster image for TRAN hearing on Naiades III – Strategic Tools for Sustainable Inland Waterways Transport within the EU

The TRAN Committee held a public debate on the "Naiades III - Strategic Tools for Sustainable Inland Waterways Transport within the EU" which will examine the major elements of the new programme and its implications for the sector. Specifically, experts could discuss how the proposed measures could contribute to reaching the economic and environmental objectives of the programme.

Train towards EU

The TRAN Committee held a public debate on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the global development strategy adopted by the Chinese government, involving infrastructure development and investments. Representatives of academia and the private sector discussed with TRAN Members the challenges and opportunities of this Chinese initiative for the European transport system.

AI and Transport

On Monday 11 October, 13.45-15.45, the Members of AIDA Special Committee and of TRAN Committee will hold a joint hearing on AI and Transport. In the two panels representatives from the academia, private sector and civil society will share their views on the long-term impact of the AI on transport modes and mobility. The discussion will cover also the EU Transport Policies with a special attention for minimizing risks.

Passenger in waiting area

This public hearing assessed how effectively air passenger rights have been safeguarded during the COVID-19 outbreak and it examined whether the EU’s current legal framework on passenger rights is adequate to deal with such crises. Many passengers had their flights cancelled by their airlines and national emergency measures were taken, such as flight bans, imposing quarantine requirements or requiring a negative COVID-19 test from passengers.

Green energy concept.

The hearing on boosting the use of alternative fuels in the transport sector provided Members an opportunity to gain insight from experts in the field.

Snow covered mountain. Forest. Green lake. Woman enjoying freedom on nature outdoors.

Tourism has been high on the TRAN committee’s agenda, with Members actively involved in an ongoing dialogue on sustainable recovery. TRAN also looks towards the future, bearing the strategic orientations of tomorrow’s tourism in mind, and as part of this effort held a public hearing on "Future-proofing the Tourism Sector: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead".

A bus stop is depicted standing in front of a field. Dark clouds indicate a storm is coming. There is no one viewable in the image.

Four experts from Portugal, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Belgium debated with TRAN Members on the role of public transport in low-density areas. They raised the specific characteristics and challenges faced by those areas and the resulting importance of services ensuring mobility. The hearing provided an overview of good practices and case studies and outlined possible recommendations (logistics, pricing policies, etc.) for the future.