Дадена комисия може да организира изслушване с участието на експерти, когато това е от съществено значение за нейната работа по дадена тема. Изслушванията също могат да се провеждат съвместно от две или повече комисии. Повечето комисии организират редовно изслушвания, тъй като те им позволяват да чуят мнението на експерти и да разискват по ключови теми. Настоящата страница съдържа цялата налична информация относно изслушванията на комисиите, включително програми и предоставени от ораторите текстове.
This hearing will serve to prepare the joint report on “Implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) – Global Europe", two years since the beginning of the MFF 2021-2027 and the entry into force of the regulation.
The Committee on Development, in association with the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly will hold a public hearing on 28 June to discuss the ‘Debt crisis and relief in developing countries’, moderated by Udo Bullmann (S&D, DE) and Charles Goerens (Renew, LU).
On 21 March, the Committee on Development held a public hearing on how to create sustainable and decent employment opportunities in Africa for its increasingly young population.
The Subcommittee on Human Rights, in association with the Committee on Development and the Delegation for relations with the Pan-African Parliament, will hold a public hearing on the African Union and its human rights and democracy mechanisms. This part (Part I) of the hearing will focus on the views of the civil society organisations.
The Committee on Development held a public hearing on 30 November 2022 to discuss ‘The implementation of NDICI-Global Europe: how to involve local and regional authorities and communities?’, moderated by Charles Goerens (Renew, LU) and Udo Bullmann (S&D, DE).
The November 17 ING2 hearing on “China’s interference and disinformation activities in Africa” will tackle Chinese interference and disinformation activities in Africa. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has an increasing commercial presence on the continent, as Africa represents a major purveyor of natural resources and raw materials, and the risk that this presence develops itself in malicious interference in the domestic political affairs of a number of African countries should be analysed.
The Committee on Development held a hearing on 26 October 2022 to discuss ‘Education in emergencies and protracted crises: providing access to education and training for young people’. This hearing was moderated by MEP György Hölvényi (EPP, HU), Standing Rapporteur for Education.
On 14 June, the Committee on Development held a Public Hearing on Achieving more efficient humanitarian action: advancing the humanitarian-development-peace nexus in a multilateral system. The hearing was chaired by MEP Mónica Silvana González, Standing Rapporteur for Humanitarian Aid.
The Committee on Budgets, in association with the Committee on Development, held a public hearing on the "Implementation and Financing of COVAX: Successes, Challenges and Lessons for the Future". The hearing focused on the current state of play, mechanisms in place and the current and possible future financial needs of the COVAX initiative. It sought to understand how EU financing has supported vaccine research, production and distribution efforts.
The Committee on Development held a hearing on 22 March 2022 to discuss recommendations on how to more effectively address hunger and malnutrition through EU development and humanitarian policies.
The Committees on Development and the Committee on International Trade held a joint hearing on 30 November 2021 to discuss the ways to tackle child labour in developing countries.
On Wednesday 26 May 2021, the Committees on Development (DEVE), in association with the Committee on Women's Rights (FEMM) held a public hearing on addressing inequalities in developing countries, with specific reference to the COVID pandemic.