Дадена комисия може да организира изслушване с участието на експерти, когато това е от съществено значение за нейната работа по дадена тема. Изслушванията също могат да се провеждат съвместно от две или повече комисии. Повечето комисии организират редовно изслушвания, тъй като те им позволяват да чуят мнението на експерти и да разискват по ключови теми. Настоящата страница съдържа цялата налична информация относно изслушванията на комисиите, включително програми и предоставени от ораторите текстове.
On 25 April, a Public Hearing on EU-NATO cooperation will take place in the framework of a SEDE ordinary meeting. The Hearing will focus on the follow-up of the Madrid Summit, where Members have set new strategic directions for the Alliance and reinforced NATO's deterrent posture on the eastern flank and sent a strong message to Russia about its unity in the face of aggression against Ukraine.
SEDE Members will exchange views with experts on the geopolitical implications of the growing military cooperation between China and Russia, in particular against the background of Russia's ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine. The debate will focus on the increasing cooperation on arms and technology transfers, on military exercises between the two countries as well as on the use of hybrid warfare and disinformation campaigns against Western allies and in Europe.
Enhancing EU support for Ukraine: conditions for the European Peace Facility and replenishing capabilities through joint procurement to efficiently enhance military support to Ukraine and the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base
On 26 January a joint hearing on "Recent Cases of Foreign Interference in the European Parliament - Allegations of Corruption" will take place from 14.00 to 17.00. It will be organised by the Special Committee on Foreign Interference (ING2), jointly with the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE).
On 8 December from 14.30 to 15.45, ING2 Members will welcome Vice-President of the European Commission/High Representative of the Union of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Mr Josep Borrell, to the special committee. As a follow-up to the recommendations from the INGE-report, ING2 Members will discuss, together with Members from AFET and SEDE, what steps have been taken since the adoption of the INGE report in March 2022.
The ING2 meeting on Thursday 29 September from 9.00 to 12.30 will start with a hearing on "Russian disinformation and propaganda regarding Ukraine in the light of its war of aggression and its impact on democratic processes in the European Union".
Evaluating EU Security Sector Reform (SSR) and Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) policy framework and the implications for strengthening an integrated approach for CSDP
The INGE Special Committee, the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) and the Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (DNAT) engaged with the NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence to discuss about the latest issues regarding Russia's Strategy in cyberspace, China as a narrative challenge for NATO Member States and the emerging issues in the digital domain.