
A committee is permitted to organise a hearing with experts, where this is considered essential to its work on a particular subject. Hearings can also be held jointly by two or more committees. Most committees organise regular hearings, as they allow them to hear from experts and hold discussions on the key issues. On this page you will find all the available information relating to committee hearings, including programmes and contributions from speakers.

A minor using a tablet

Making the online world a safe, positive and inclusive environment for children is a key IMCO priority. Children are accessing the internet from an increasingly younger age and across a wide range of devices, with or without adult supervision. This leaves them vulnerable to a number of risks, including exposure to illegal and harmful content, dark patterns, privacy infringements and commercial targeting. The hearing will bring this issue at the forefront of the discussions in Parliament.

IMCO hearing on platforms intermediating short-term accommodation services

IMCO held a public hearing on the regulation of online platforms intermediating short-term accommodation rental services. IMCO Members had the opportunity to discuss with representatives of the Commission, national and local authorities, stakeholders and researchers the ways to strengthen the free movement of short-term rental services, while protecting consumers and promoting sustainable tourism and housing market.

IMCO hearing on consumer rights

IMCO held a public hearing on the state of consumer rights in the EU in times of crisis, the aim of which was to contribute to the discussion on current challenges, strategic priorities, and possible future developments in European consumer rights and enforcement by way of redress. The hearing covered several important topics related to the quality and efficiency of the instruments available to enforce consumer rights.


The CULT Committee in association with LIBE and IMCO committees, organises on 6 February at 16.30 a public hearing dedicated to the "Media Freedom Act", a long awaited legislative proposal aiming to strengthen media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union.

Media freedom

The LIBE committee in association with CULT and IMCO committees, organised on 31st of January a hearing dedicated to the "Media Freedom Act", a long awaited legislative proposal aiming to strengthen media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union. Various stakeholders, including representatives of the Council of Europe, of EDPS, of journalists associations and of academia participated in this hearing that aimed at serving as input for the work on the legislative proposal.


IMCO held a hearing on Standardisation in the Single Market. The aim was to give Members the chance to exchange views with the Commission, European Standardisation Organisations and stakeholders on current challenges, strategic priorities and future developments in European standardisation.

Close up of an hand repairing a mobile phone

On 8 December, IMCO held a public hearing to follow up on Parliament’s motion for a resolution on the right to repair, adopted in April 2022. The aim of the hearing is to feed into the discussion related to the upcoming Commission proposal on the right to repair and more specifically, to look at how consumer rights and guarantees can be strengthened.

30 Year Anniversary of the Single Market

Next year marks the 30th anniversary of the Single Market. It is an occasion to celebrate the achievements reached and the contribution this has made towards European integration. At the same time, given the current challenging situation, it is also crucial to look ahead and identify further growth potential and ways of rendering the Single Market ever more resilient.

IMCO in association with ENVI held a public hearing on 'Making the Internal Market for Construction Products fit for the 21st century'. The hearing focused on important objectives of the revision of the Construction Products Regulation. These are the improvement of the existing harmonised rules for such products, as well as their alignment with the goals of the Green Deal and the increased uptake of digital technologies.

INGE Committee hearing on "Interference through advertisement"

On 11 July 2022, IMCO held a public hearing on the proposed Regulation on transparency and targeting of political advertising. This was an opportunity for Members to exchange views with stakeholders, experts and researchers from different domains on the main elements of the proposal. This proposes general transparency obligations for all actors involved in the financing, preparation, placement, and dissemination of political advertising, both offline and online.

Photo of Vice-President Věra Jourová of the European Commission

On 30 June from 11.00 to 13.00, ING2 Members will welcome Vice-President for Values and Transparency, Ms Věra Jourová, to the special committee. As a first follow-up to the recommendations from the INGE-report, ING2 Members will discuss, together with Members from IMCO, CULT and LIBE, what steps the Commission has taken since the adoption of the INGE report.

On 16 May 2022, IMCO held a public hearing on "Digital product passports: enhancing transparency and consumer information in the internal market".