A committee is permitted to organise a hearing with experts, where this is considered essential to its work on a particular subject. Hearings can also be held jointly by two or more committees. Most committees organise regular hearings, as they allow them to hear from experts and hold discussions on the key issues. On this page you will find all the available information relating to committee hearings, including programmes and contributions from speakers.
Members of the BUDG and the CONT Committees exchanged views with Commission's representatives, the Chair of the EU Agencies Network, three EU Agencies and the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) on resources issues faced by Agencies, Bodies and Joint Undertakings, as regularly flagged in the budgetary cycle and the discharge.
On 24 May 2023, the Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) held a public hearing on the application of the rules on conflicts of interests in the management of EU funds in the Member States.
This Public Hearing focused on potential discriminatory measures for companies doing business in Hungary, including in the sector of on public procurement.
On 23 January 2023, Members of the committee on Budgetary Control held a public hearing on "Cohesion policy investments and Next Generation EU recovery fund: state of play of the monitoring and controls".
The Committee on Budgetary Control held a public hearing on Instruments and Tools at EU Level and Developed at Member State Level to Prevent and Tackle Fraud - ARACHNE.
The Committee on Budgetary Control and the Committee on Civil Libertes, Justice and Home Affairs held a hearing with authorities of Member States on the financial support for the treatment and accompanying of Ukrainian refugees on 30 November 2022.
On 16 June 2022, the Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) organised a public hearing on "The role of investigative journalism to uncover fraud and corruption in Europe."
On 21 April 2022, the Budgetary Control Committee will hold a Public Hearing on Technical Support (TS). The aim of this hearing is to get a better understanding of the challenges with TS, how the Commission is supporting Member States in the area of better administration, digitalisation and implementation of the funds, and how TS could help in preventing fraud and irregularities.
On 25 October 2021, the Committee for Budgetary Control organised a public hearing on the topic "Capacity for proper expenditure controls of the increased budget of the MFF and NGEU".
On 2 September 2021, the Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) organised a public hearing on the topic "digitalising the oversight of European money flows including a more effective control, particularly in the area of shared management".
On 15 June 2021, the CONT Committee organised a public hearing on the topic "Will simplifications suggested for the new period bring the necessary balance between more efficient, effective and correct spending of EU funds?". Among the Commission’s aims for the MFF 2021-2027 are to simplify the structure of the EU budget and to increase flexibility within programs. Simplification can reduce the risk of errors, help avoid delays and lead to a higher absorption of funds.
On 27 May 2021, the CONT Committee organised a public hearing on the use of the provisions in the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR). Intended to protect the financial interests of the Union, these provisions allow the Commission to suspend funds in case of serious deficiencies in a Member State’s management and control system of an operational programme.