
A bizottságok szakértői meghallgatásokat szervezhetnek, ha ez szükséges egy adott témával kapcsolatos munkájukhoz. Két vagy több bizottság tarthat közös meghallgatásokat is. A legtöbb bizottság rendszeresen szervez meghallgatásokat, mivel ezek lehetővé teszik a szakértők meghallgatását és eszmecsere folytatását a legfontosabb kérdésekről. Ezen a lapon a bizottsági meghallgatásokhoz kapcsolódó valamennyi információ megtalálható, ideértve a programokat és a felszólalók beszédeit is.

globe with the EU flag

This hearing will serve to prepare the joint report on “Implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) – Global Europe", two years since the beginning of the MFF 2021-2027 and the entry into force of the regulation.

A minor using a tablet

Making the online world a safe, positive and inclusive environment for children is a key IMCO priority. Children are accessing the internet from an increasingly younger age and across a wide range of devices, with or without adult supervision. This leaves them vulnerable to a number of risks, including exposure to illegal and harmful content, dark patterns, privacy infringements and commercial targeting. The hearing will bring this issue at the forefront of the discussions in Parliament.

Checking financial reports. Graphs and charts. Documents and magnifying glass on gray reflection background.

On 24 May 2023, the Commission adopted in the framework of its Retail Investment Strategy a proposal on retail investor protection rules and a second proposal modernising the PRIIPs key information document.

People walking in a road in the countryside of Uganda

The Committee on Development, in association with the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly will hold a public hearing on 28 June to discuss the ‘Debt crisis and relief in developing countries’, moderated by Udo Bullmann (S&D, DE) and Charles Goerens (Renew, LU).

A drawing of the planet Earth

The Committee on Budgets will host a public hearing to discuss the EU financial assistance to Africa and Latin America in the context of the 2021-2027 EU long term budget (multiannual financial framework - MFF).

A close up shot of a young green plant growing in potting soil with a green blurry background. Some images around this plant depict a thermometer, a raindrop, the sun, and a chemical formula

Members of the AGRI Committee will participate in the public hearing regarding the vital matter for agriculture, the energy efficiency on farms.

Many flags from around the world with a nice blue sky

On 27 June 2023, the Committee on Foreign Affairs will hold a hearing on the "EU's preventive diplomacy - practise makes (not yet) perfect". Members will discuss with three expert speakers what aspects are still missing in EU's foreign policy to successfully carry out preventive diplomacy.

Image depicting 5 hands each holding a gear wheel

Members of the BUDG and the CONT Committees exchanged views with Commission's representatives, the Chair of the EU Agencies Network, three EU Agencies and the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) on resources issues faced by Agencies, Bodies and Joint Undertakings, as regularly flagged in the budgetary cycle and the discharge.

FISC Subcommittee

On 27 June 2023, from 15:00 to 16:30, the FISC Subcommittee will host a public hearing on “The role of tax incentives in achieving EU policy goals”. While they come in many shapes and forms (accelerated depreciations, carry-forwards of losses...), tax incentives for businesses are mostly introduced to support either wider economic objectives (growth, job creation, the need to attract foreign direct investment) or specific policies (such as the energy transition).

Two eels forming the symbol of paragraph

The hearing provided evidence and guidance for better implementation of the Eel Regulation. European eel is a migratory species with a unique life cycle. Between their spawning phase and pre-reproductive stage, European eel migrate from the Northwest Atlantic to the coasts of their distribution range and continental waters. European eels are declining globally due to a combination of natural causes and human activity that impact the stock and its habitats at different life stages.

REGI presentation - Tuesday 27 June 2023

Cooperation between EU cities and regions with their Ukrainian partners