Специални доклади на Европейската сметна палата
ECA Special Report 13/2020
ECA Special Report 12/2020
Rapporteur: Maria Grapini
ECA Special Report 11/2020
ECA Special Report 10/2020
Rapporteur: Andrey Novakov
ECA Special Report 09/2020
ECA Special Report 07/2020
Rapporteur: Viola von Cramon-Taubadel
- Implementing Cohesion policy: comparatively low costs, but insufficient information to assess simplification savings
- CONT Working Document on ECA Special Report No 07/2020 (Discharge 2019): Implementing Cohesion policy: comparatively low costs, but insufficient information to assess simplification savings
ECA Special Report 04/2020
Rapporteur: Luke Ming Flanagan
- Using new imaging technologies to monitor the Common Agricultural Policy: steady progress overall, but slower for climate and environment monitoring
- CONT Working Document on ECA Special Report 04/2020 (Discharge 2019): Using new imaging technologies to monitor the Common Agricultural Policy: steady progress overall, but slower for climate and environment monitoring
ECA Special Report 25/2019
Rapporteur: Lefteris Christoforou
- Data quality in budget support: weaknesses in some indicators and in the verification of the payment for variable tranches
- CONT Working Document on ECA Special Report 25/2019 (Discharge 2019): Data quality in budget support: weaknesses in some indicators and in the verification of the payment for variable tranches
ECA Special Report 23/2019
Rapporteur: Luke Ming Flanagan
- Farmers’ income stabilisation: comprehensive set of tools, but low uptake of instruments and overcompensation need to be tackled
- CONT Working Document on ECA Special Report 23/2019 (Discharge 2019): Farmers’ income stabilisation: comprehensive set of tools, but low uptake of instruments and overcompensation need to be tackled