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  • IT - italiano
Parliamentary question - E-001981/2023Parliamentary question

Reform of EU packaging rules: risk to Italy’s virtuous circle of recycling and food safety


Question for written answer  E-001981/2023
to the Commission
Rule 138
Paola Ghidoni (ID)

The proposal for a regulation amending existing EU packaging legislation (COM(2022)677), which is currently under discussion, would severely penalise Italy, one of the most virtuous countries in terms of per-capita recycling volumes. With almost 74% of packaging being recycled, Italy has already exceeded the 65% target set by the EU for 2025.

Regarding the proposed amendments, Italian operators are particularly concerned about the imposition, without adequate justification, of restrictions, bans and reuse requirements, thereby causing serious difficulties for many sectors, from agri-food to trade and from tourism to catering and entertainment.

Single-use and reuse systems should be complementary and non-competing solutions, especially in view of the fact that the latter consume much more water and energy and produce 177% more carbon dioxide emissions than the former.

Packaging is also intended to protect food safety, which is therefore compromised by the reuse thereof and the ban on single use. This applies in particular to fruit and vegetables, a sector worth EUR 4.8 billion in Italy.

In view of this:


Last updated: 26 June 2023
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