Conference of Committee Chairs
The Conference of Committee Chairs (CCC) is the political body that coordinates the work of the committees and ensures the smooth cooperation between them. It consists of the Chairs of all standing and special committees and meets on Tuesdays of the Strasbourg part-sessions. The Chair is elected from among its members for a two and a half year mandate.
Recommendation on the agenda for plenary sessions
The CCC submits to the Conference of Presidents a monthly recommendation for the draft agenda of the next part-session, as well as a monthly screening concerning the compatibility of draft legislation with Treaty rules on delegated and implementing acts.
Cooperation between committees
The CCC constitutes a forum of discussion about horizontal issues and common problems of the committees and actively contributes to the exchange of best practices namely through the adoption of common approaches or guidelines concerning committee activities. It can submit to the Conference of Presidents any recommendation about the work of committees. The CCC also plays a mediating role between parliamentary committees. It deals with requests for cooperation and proposes solutions for the settlement of conflicts of competence.
Legislative dialogue with the Commission and the Council
The CCC prepares Parliament's contribution to the Commission's annual Work Programme by listing the priorities in each legislative field. It also holds an annual joint meeting with the College of Commissioners, and meets several times a year the Council Presidency to prepare and discuss the priorities of Presidencies and to take stock of the work in progress.
Work in Progress
The Work in Progress shows the legislative procedures currently in progress in each parliamentary committee. It gives an overview of the work done in committees to follow up the reports being tabled or for the planning of the reports for the coming sessions.
This listing is focused on the 'main' parliamentary committee dossiers and includes the dossier responding to certain criteria.
This listing is focused on the 'main' parliamentary committee dossiers and includes the dossier responding to certain criteria.