By geographical area

This page allows you access to all publications related to a region of the world.

Please find below the last three documents associated with one of these regions, which have been published on the site.

Posted on 28-06-2023

This briefing provides background information about Ukraine’s financing needs, options to finance the reconstruction process and the possible role of the EU budget, as well as the governance architecture and the involvement of the European Parliament.

This briefing provides background information about Ukraine’s financing needs, options to finance the reconstruction process and the possible role of the EU budget, as well as the governance architecture and the involvement of the European Parliament.

The question of whether the 34 decentralised European Union (EU) Agencies and EPPO are adequately equipped with human and financial resources is a recurring discussion in the different budget and discharge procedures addressing the work of the Agencies. A common issue voiced is that extensions of an agency’s mandate are not matched by a corresponding increase in available funding and human resources. In a special report on the future of EU agencies from 2020, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) ...