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SEDE Chair Nathalie Loiseau
SEDE Committee Chair © European Union 2019 - EP
Against a background of geostrategic turbulence - emerging military powers, an ongoing terrorist threat, armed conflicts in the EU's immediate neighbourhood, the rise of hybrid warfare and cyber-attacks against EU strategic infrastructure - security and defence have risen to the top of the EU's political agenda.

By adopting its Global Strategy in 2016, and in keeping with the wishes of a great many people in Europe, the EU laid the groundwork for a broader security and defence role. New instruments are being developed, such as Permanent Structured Cooperation, a mechanism which brings together 25 Member States to implement the concept of military mobility in Europe, and the European Defence Fund. These instruments are employed in the service of European strategic autonomy, so that we can play a full part in our alliances and defend ourselves independently whenever possible.

The remit of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence is to provide a forum for thorough public debate on, and detailed parliamentary scrutiny of, all EU action in the area of the CSDP, whether it concerns institutions, capabilities or operations. SEDE intends to make an active contribution to the formulation of EU security and defence policy. Central to SEDE's future activities will be the work of building closer relations with strategic partners, including NATO and the UN, and with third countries which are advocates of multilateralism and an international order that promotes peace.

Nathalie Loiseau
