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Welcome to the Committee on Petitions homepage.
The Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights confer on all citizens of and persons resident in the European Union the right to submit a petition, individually or with others, on any matter which comes within the European Union's fields of activity and directly affects them.
The Committee on Petitions is responsible for considering and following up on such petitions and thus acts as a bridge between Europeans and the EU institutions.
The opportunity petitions offer to recount personal experiences enable citizens to contribute to the EU's legislative work, while also bringing them closer to their MEPs and making the institutions more transparent and more accountable.
Just as importantly, by acting as a conduit for petitions, the committee helps to draw attention to and remedy problems concerning the implementation of EU law.
I encourage you to exercise your right to petition and I very much hope that you will follow the work our committee does on your behalf.
Dolors Montserrat
The Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights confer on all citizens of and persons resident in the European Union the right to submit a petition, individually or with others, on any matter which comes within the European Union's fields of activity and directly affects them.
The Committee on Petitions is responsible for considering and following up on such petitions and thus acts as a bridge between Europeans and the EU institutions.
The opportunity petitions offer to recount personal experiences enable citizens to contribute to the EU's legislative work, while also bringing them closer to their MEPs and making the institutions more transparent and more accountable.
Just as importantly, by acting as a conduit for petitions, the committee helps to draw attention to and remedy problems concerning the implementation of EU law.
I encourage you to exercise your right to petition and I very much hope that you will follow the work our committee does on your behalf.
Dolors Montserrat
Data Protection in Committees
Petitions Web Portal
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Powers and responsibilities