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Welcome to the website of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL).
The EMPL Committee is responsible for employment and all aspects of social policy including working conditions, social security, social inclusion and social protection; the free movement of workers and pensioners; workers' rights; health and safety measures at the workplace; the European Social Fund; vocational training policy, including professional qualifications; social dialogue; and all forms of discrimination at the workplace and in the labour market except those based on sex. We are also in charge of the relations with five agencies: Cedefop, Eurofound, EU-OSHA, ETF and the newly created ELA.
The Committee has 55 members and the same number of substitutes, representing Parliament's seven political groups.
On this website, you will find all relevant information linked to our activities, which will allow you to closely follow our work.
Dragoş PÎSLARU, EMPL Chair
The EMPL Committee is responsible for employment and all aspects of social policy including working conditions, social security, social inclusion and social protection; the free movement of workers and pensioners; workers' rights; health and safety measures at the workplace; the European Social Fund; vocational training policy, including professional qualifications; social dialogue; and all forms of discrimination at the workplace and in the labour market except those based on sex. We are also in charge of the relations with five agencies: Cedefop, Eurofound, EU-OSHA, ETF and the newly created ELA.
The Committee has 55 members and the same number of substitutes, representing Parliament's seven political groups.
On this website, you will find all relevant information linked to our activities, which will allow you to closely follow our work.
Dragoş PÎSLARU, EMPL Chair
Data Protection in Committees
Useful documents
Powers and responsibilities