Welcome words
Welcome to the Committee on Budgetary Control! I am the Chair of this committee since July 2019. Together with 29 colleagues from 16 countries, we are committed to ensure an effective control of the EU budget.
Our work involves strict supervision and control of the correct, targeted use of the budget (EUR 170 billion in 2022) and holding those who spend it to account. The main responsibility for budget management lies with the European Commission. Some 80% of the money goes to the Member States, around 13% is invested around the world, and about 7% is spent on administration.
In addition, our responsibility includes overseeing the spending under the NextGenerationEU programme, a temporary instrument of an additional EUR 750 billion, that powers the recovery of the EU after the coronavirus crisis.
We do this through the annual discharge procedure, where we evaluate how the EU budget was spent. We also make proposals for improving the management of the budget and safeguarding the EU's financial interests, for example by digitalising the audit and control of EU funds to allow tracing back EU money to the final recipients.
Our work is supported by the European Court of Auditors. Our remit also covers the European Public Prosecutor's Office, and the European Anti-Fraud Office.
Sounds interesting? Have a look at this website, participate in our meetings or reach out to us!
Monika Hohlmeier
Data Protection in Committees
Useful documents
Powers and responsibilities
Get in touch with the European Parliament
European Commission and Executive Agencies
- European Commission
- EU Budget (DG BUDG)
- European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)
- European Development Fund (EDF)
- Consumer, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency - CHAFEA
- European Education and Culture Executive Agency - EACEA
- European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency - EASME
- European Research Council Executive Agency - ERCEA
- European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency - CINEA
- European Research Executive Agency - EREA
Other Institutions and Bodies, Decentralized Agencies and Joint Undertakings
- Council and European Council
- Court of Justice
- European Court of Auditors
- European External Action Service
- European Economic and Social Committee
- Committee of Regions
- European Ombudsman
- European Data Protection Supervisor
- Decentralized Agencies of the European Union subject to discharge (32)
- Joint Undertakings (8)